SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "May"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "May")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1809 matches on Event Comments, 175 matches on Performance Comments, 72 matches on Performance Title, 59 matches on Roles/Actors, and 1 matches on Author.
Event Comment: Benefit Hippisley. Mainpiece: At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. Amphitheatre on stage where servants may keep places. Ladies desired to send servants by three o'clock


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: CCharacters of Dancing, as17421025; Tambourine-Cooke; Les Boufons du Cour, as17430305

Event Comment: Benefit Raftor, Mrs Clive's brother (Winston MS.). Bayes attempted by Mrs Clive, instigated to it by Cibber (as an) act of envy to Garrick, but he missed his aim, for she did it most wretchedly. It was believed she would not have gone through the part. A great house. If she had succeeded she meant to repeat it for her own Benefit. (Winston MS. from Dyer MS.) Mrs Clive did Bayes at the Desire of Several Ladies of Quality. Three rows of the Pit rail'd into the Boxes, where servants may keep places as well as on the stage. To prevent Mistakes in places already taken, it is desir'd that those Gentleman and Ladies, in whose names they are set down, would please to send for Tickets to Hobson at the stage door


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Song: I: Beard; III: Lowe; IV: Miss Edwards

Dance: II: Serious Dance, as17430504; V: Tyrolean Dance, as17421129

Event Comment: YYeates, Warner, and Rosoman's Booth.] This booth was probably open every week during the Fair, which lasted through 16 May.


Mainpiece Title: Love His Own Rival

Afterpiece Title: Trick Upon Trick

Dance: As17430509

Event Comment: Benefit Stevens, Waters, Brook, Hussey. As we could not have our Benefit on Saturday Last, the Company are so kind to pay for us at us at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's Inn Fields; we humbly hope that our friends will excuse the Disappointment (it not being in our power to avoid it) and favour us on Friday, 3 June, when tickets deliver'd out for the 28th of May for Drury-Lane will be taken this night at Lincolns Inn Fields..-London Daily Post and General Advertiser. This was not acted at dl. Fleetwood refused and they acted at lif, Friday 3 June. Yates, Taswell, Mrs Macklin, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs Hale of cg and Havard Played. N.B. there was an execution on dl at the time.-Winston MS. from Dyer MS


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Song: Beard, Lowe

Event Comment: Notices of performances on this date had appeared since 8 Sept., as at common prices and written by the late Sir Richard Steele, yet under the unsettled circumstances Fleetwood may not have assembled the players necessary for the production. Macklin, Garrick, Mills, Pritchard, Havard, Berry, Leigh, Blakes, Woodburn, Mrs Clive, Mrs Pritchard, and Mrs Mills had withdrawn and were attempting to form a company for acting at the New Haymarket. See Drury Lane Management in the Introduction


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Event Comment: Mainpiece acted but once these seven years [but see 4 and 15 May 1742.


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17431124

Event Comment: Benefit for a Gentlewoman under Misfortunes. None to be admitted without Ticket, which may be had, and places taken of Mr Page at the stage door. And for the better accommodation of the Ladies, the Stage will be enclos'd and form'd into an amphitheatre, where servants will be allow'd to keep places. Ladies send servants by three o'clock


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Old Man Taught Wisdom

Event Comment: In a short time will be perform'd at the Theatre in the Hay-Market, a Concert of Music; and the Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice. The character of Othello will be new dress'd agreeable to the Manner and Custom of his own Country. As both these entertainments will be perform'd by a set of Gentlemen for their own Diversion, no Money will be taken, nor any person admitted but by printed Tickets; which (by order of the Gentlemen) will be deliver'd gratis by Mr Machlin, at his House in Bow-Street, Covent Garden; where Ladies, by sending their Servants, may take Places for the Boxes.--Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: At the New Theatre, May Fair, in order to make the House warm, there is a new Machine fix'd in the same manner as they have in Russia, & other theatres in cold countries, to prevent the Gentry from catching cold


Event Comment: Benefit Garrick. By particular desire 5 rows of the pit will be railed into boxes--Servants will be admitted to keep places on the stage, which for the better accomodation of the ladies will be formed into boxes--the ladies are desired to send their servants by three o'clock--to begin at 6 o'clock. Tickets to be had of Garrick at his lodgings, the last house in James St., joining the Great Piazza; at the Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden; Mr Vaillant's, Bookseller at the Strand; Mr Harrache's, Toyman in Long Acre; and of Mr Hobson at the stage door of the theatre where places for the Boxes may be taken


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Dance: Muilment, Mrs Auguste

Event Comment: Advertisement by Mr Leveridge. To be sung to the tune of A Cobler there was, and he lived in a stall." [See 3 and 17 April.] I. Observing the papers for several days@Fill's up with a number of Benefit plays@My Muse smiling said, Dick, it will not be wrong@To sound an advertisement in Merry song,@Derry, down, down, down, derry down.@ II. And thus now I raised up my voice to the town@To move Your kind thoughts against My Day comes on@And then with your favours my play to promote,@That Leveridge may sing (when he offers his note)@Derry down, &c


Mainpiece Title: Joseph And His Brethren

Music: Concerto on Organ-

Event Comment: Benefit Stephens. Mainpiece: At the particular desire of several Ladies of Quality. Tickets deliver'd out for As You Like It will be taken. Tickets to be had of Stephens at the Jar, opposite Red-Lion St., Holborn; of Mr Johnson, at the White Hart in Paternoster Row; and at the stage door next Bow St. where places may be taken. Last Night Shakespear's play of King Henry the Fifth, was performed at Covent Garden, with the many incidents that are applicable to the present Juncture of Affairs with France, occasioned the whole to be receiv'd with an uncommon Applause.--General Advertiser, 21 April


Mainpiece Title: The Life Of King Henry The Fifth

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: As17440404

Event Comment: HHallam's New Theatre Adjoining to the Market-House. Mainpiece: A new Droll. From 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Stage 2s. 6d. Boxes 1s. 6d. Pit 1s. Gallery 6d. As this is a regular Theatre, Ladies and Gentlemen will be entertained in a more decent and commodious manner than they can possibly be in a booth. [Notice repeated 2 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Heroe; Or, Lover Of His Country, Intermix'd With Several Comical And Diverting Scenes, Call'd the Blundering Brothers, With The Merry Adventures Of Timothy Addlepot And Davy Dunce

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sclavonian; or,Monsieur in the Suds

Song: Blogg

Event Comment: MMiddleton and Cushing's Booth. Not acted these Twenty Years. [Announced for the entire time of the Fair.] 12:00 m. to 10:00 p.m. [Notice repeated 2 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Wandering Prince Of Troy

Afterpiece Title: Le Mariage de Pesant

Dance: LLe Badinage de Chaupetre-

Event Comment: HHallam's New Theatre. A new Droll. One to ten p.m. [Notice repeated 4, 5, 7 (with Jockey Dance by Adams, just arriv'd from Epsom), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 (with singing Blogg) May.


Mainpiece Title: The Captive Prince; Or, Love And Loyalty; With The Comical Humours Of Falstaff And Antient Pistol

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sclavonian

Event Comment: YYeates's Great Theatrical Booth, the Lower End of Brookfield to begin at noon this Day and the Time of the Fair. [Notice repeated 7, 14, 15 May.


Mainpiece Title: The Blind Beggar Of Bethnal Green; With The Comical Humours Of Tom Stroud And His Man Gudgeon

Afterpiece Title: Representation of the Late Battle in the Meditteranean

Event Comment: Benefit for Hobson. Tickets and places of Hobson at the stage door of the Theatre. Presentment of the Grand Juryv for the County of Middlesex: We the Grand Jury sworn to enquire for our Sovereign Lord The King, and the body of this county, have observed from most of the presentments delivered to us by the Constables of this County, that they have been, as we apprehend and fear, very remiss in their duty, by returning their several districts to be quiet and in good order. Whereas the contrary does most manifestly appear, in many instances as well from the accounts or advertisements we read in the daily Papers, printed and dispersed within the County (inviting and seducing, not only the inhabitants, but also all other persons, to several places kept apart for the encouragement of Luxury, Extravagance, and Idleness, and we fear other wicked, illegal purposes, which by such means go on with impunity, to the destruction of many families) as otherwise to the great Dishonour of the Kingdom...especially at a time when we are engaged in expensive Wars, and so much overburdened with Taxes of all sorts, both Parliamentary and Parochial, that it is much as a prudent man can do, without a taste to extravagant and illegal pleasure to support himself and family according to his degree and station in life under the most regular economy. [If unchecked this bad example will lead to National destruction]. We do accordingly hereby present as places riotous, of great extravagance, luxury, idleness, and ill fame, the several house &c following: [lists two gambling houses, then the Proprietors of the avenues leading to the several playhouses for not preventing wicked loose and disorderly persons from loitering at the front of their several houses on nights of the play to the prejudice of playgoers.] 4. Saddlers Wells, near Islington; 5. New Wells, Goodman's Fields; 6. New Wells, Clerkenwell; 7. The Proprietors of a Place call'd Hallam's New Theatre at Mayfair. Prays that the court will close all listed. N.B. Many people believed that after this presentment, the places mentioned would be shut up or reformed, but they advertise and continue the same diversions as before.-Gentlemen's Magazine (May, 1744), pp. 278-79


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: I, IV: Morland

Dance: III: Mlle Auguste

Event Comment: Benefit Ray, Green, Barclay, Mrs George. Afterpiece: By Desire. Not acted these 7 years [see 14 May 1739]


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: III: Mlle Auguste


Mainpiece Title: Don Sebastian

Performance Comment: As17440312(General Advertiser, 29 May).
Event Comment: Benefit a Gentleman who has wrote for the Stage. [Since The Prodigal did not achieve a three-night run, Cibber may be giving Odell a benefit tonight.


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Husband

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Music: Selected Pieces of Music-

Event Comment: A serious riot took place this evening occasioned by Fleetwood's continuing raised prices to old entertainments. Manager called for by audience. Not being an actor, he pleaded privilege of being exempted from appearing on stage and sent word by a performer he would confer in his room with any deputation. One was sent from pit, and house waited patiently its return.--Genest, IV, 137. To The Gentlemen of the Town: Gentlemen: From what pass'd last night at Drury Lane Playhouse, I think I may congratulate you on the long-wish'd for Conquest over the Hireling Encouragers of the Pantomime Entertainments. Give me leave, therefore, Gentlemen to hope, that you will not be wanting in your endeavours to quashing future attempts to introduce what is manifestly an encroachment on the Honour and Dignity of the stage, and a glaring Imposition on the town. I am yours, Philo Dramaticus.--Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Event Comment: Benefit Delane. Tickets at his lodgings at the Unicorn in New Exchange Row in the strand, and of Hobson at the stage door where places may be taken


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Song: II: Lowe

Dance: III: Grand Dance-Muilment; V: Comic Dance-Sga Bettini

Event Comment: Benefit of the Author, it being the eighth night only of acting, but the night from the first Representation, because of the interruption of Mrs Woffington's Benefit. Tickets to be had of G. Strahan, in Cornhill; J. Davidson in the Poultry; A. Millar in the Strand; R. Dodsley in Pall Mall, and of Mr Hobson at the Theatre, where places may be taken on the stage.-Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: Tancred And Sigismunda

Event Comment: Benefit Arne. Tickets to be had of Arne next door to the Crown in Great Queen St., by Lincoln's Inn Fields; at St. James's Coffee House; at Nando's Coffee House, Temple Bar; and at Mr Simpson's Music Shop in Sweeting's Alley near the Royal Exchange, and places taken of Hobson at the Stage Door where tickets may also be had. -General Advertiser. Last night, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane was perform'd King Pepin's Campaign, with great applause. The Music is said to be inimitable in its way. -Daily Advertiser, 17 April


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: King Pepin's Campaign

Song: I: Gentle Shepherd-Mrs Arne

Dance: II: Muilment

Event Comment: Benefit Mr and Mrs Hale. Mainpiece not acted these 14 years [see 15 May 1734]


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens; Or, Man-hater

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice

Dance: SScotch Dance, as17441012

Song: II: A Duet-Beard, Miss Edwards