Event Comment: Receipts: #86 (Account Book). Charges #81 15s. Profit to Society #4 5s., plus #106 17s. from tickets (Box 242; Pit 309) (Account Book). Benefit for Use of
the Society at
the Thatched-House Tavern For
the release and discharge of persons imprisoned for small debts. [
The Epilogue was written by
Cumberland. (See
Folger Library Theatrical Clippings).
The Curtain rises and discovers a prison; at some distance a woman, poorly habited, and in a disconso
late attitude; after standing some time montionless, in a posture of fixed attention she speaks]: @Woman: Thou loathsome dungeon in whose dreary womb@
The pining Debtor finds a living tomb;@Where 'midst
the Clank of Chains and Dismal yells@Of shakled felons my sad husband dwells;@From his dark cell, oh give him to my view!@Let him look forth and take a last adieu.@ [As she advances towards
the prison, a person in Gentleman's apparel accosts her.] @Man: Stay, Child of Sorrow, thou whose piercing groans@Might move to pity e'en
these senseless stones.@Why dost thou bend thy melancholy way@To that Drear Dungeon? Child of Sorrow stay.@Woman: Why should I stay, or my sad Griefs impart?@Can
there be pity in a Human heart?@Away and let me die.@ [...
The Man suggests a Human heart can have pity] @Woman: If
there be such, O lead me to
their sight,@And let me plead a wretched sufferer's right:@Can
there be Truth, Humanity or Sense@In laws that make Misfortune an offence?@ [Her husband was a
God-fearing weaver who fell ill for 10 weeks, lost his job and was seized upon by a relentless creditor.] @Steel'd to
their trade, and deaf to all our cries,@Relentless ruffians seize
their legal prize;@From my fond arms a dying Husband tear@And plunge
their victims in a dungeon
there!@Man: Enough! go speak
the healing words of peace@To thy sad mate, and bear him this release;@Tell him
the Muse, which on
these Scenes attend@That balsam to his wounded spirit sends.@And Know this Truth thyself, 'tis not alone@
The Preacher's pulpit and
the Monarch's throne@That Charity frequents; but in this age,@She guides
the Theatre and treads
the stage;@Lo! She is present, cast your eyes around,@And here in each Spectator's heart she's found.