20 August 1668
Event Information
Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season:
In L. C. 5@139, p. 373, is a list of plays allowed to the Duke's Company: The Poetaster [by Ben Jonson]. Cupids Reuenge [by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. See 17 Aug. 1668]. Timon of Athens [by William Shakespeare]. Troyolus and Grisseida [by William Shakespeare]. Three parts of H. ye 6 [by William Shakespeare]. The honest mans fortune [by John Fletcher and others]. Woemen pleas'd [by John Fletcher]. Witt at Seuerall Weapons [by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher]. The Woemen Hater or The hungry Courtier [by Francis Beaumont]. All fooles [by George Chapman]. Birons Conspiracy [by George Chapman]. Broken heart [by John Ford]. Bird in a Cage [by James Shirley]. Chabot Admirall of ffranse [by James Shirley, with George Chapman]. ffaithful Shepherd [possibly Guarini's Il Pastor Fido]. Herod and Antipater [by Gervase Markham with William Sampson]. Humor out of breath [by John Day]. Jealous Louers [by Thomas Randolph]. Loues Melancholy [Lover's Melancholy, by John Ford]. Muliasses the Turke [by John Mason]. Queene of Arragon [by William Habington]. Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois [by George Chapman]. Revenge for Honor [or The Parricide, by Henry Glapthorne]