19 March 1770

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1769-1770
Volume: 4
Comments: Paid Miss Lawrence for walking 24 nights in Harlequin's Jubilee #3; Paid Mrs Bates for walking 12 nights in Man and Wife #4 10s. (Account Book). Receipts: #203 3s. 6d

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Timanthes. As 17 March. *a??cg The Apprentice. As 18 Jan. *e??cg As 24 Feb. *c??cg Paid Miss Lawrence for walking 24 nights in <i>Harlequin's Jubilee</i> #3; Paid $Mrs Bates= for walking 12 nights in <i>Man and Wife</i> #4 10s. (Account Book). Receipts: #203 3s. 6d.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1770 03 19 cg Timanthes. ^As17700317^.*a1770 03 19 cg The Apprentice. ^As17700118^.*e1770 03 19 cg ^As17700224^.*c1770 03 19 cg Paid Miss Lawrence for walking 24 nights in <i>Harlequin's Jubilee</i> #3; Paid $Mrs Bates= for walking 12 nights in <i>Man and Wife</i> #4 10s. (Account Book). Receipts: #203 3s. 6d.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 35228 | 17700319 | cg | Paid Miss Lawrence for walking 24 nights in <i>Harlequin's Jubilee</i> #3; Paid $Mrs Bates= for walking 12 nights in <i>Man and Wife</i> #4 10s. (Account Book). Receipts: #203 3s. 6d
    Performance: 72735 | 35228 | p | Timanthes | As17700317.
    AsSeeDate: 72735 | cg | p | As | 17700317
    475709 | 72735 | <i>Cherinthus</i>? | Wroughton
    475710 | 72735 | Parts | Smith, Bensley, Clarke, Wroughton, Gardner, Davis, R. Smith, Mrs Bulkley, Mrs Yates. <i>Prologue</i> and <i>Epilogue</i> in Act III a Procession. The <i>Vocal parts</i>-Reinhold, Mrs Baker, $Mrs DuBellamy=, Baker, Fox. Timanthes-Smith
    475711 | 72735 | The <i>Vocal parts</i> | Reinhold, Mrs Baker, $Mrs DuBellamy=, Baker, Fox. Timanthes-Smith
    475712 | 72735 | Timanthes | Smith
    475713 | 72735 | Demaphoon | Bensley
    475714 | 72735 | Mathusius | Clarke
    475715 | 72735 | Cherinthus | Wroughton
    475716 | 72735 | Adrastus | Gardner
    475717 | 72735 | Orcanes | Davis
    475718 | 72735 | Cephisa | Mrs Bulkley
    475719 | 72735 | Ismena | Mrs Yates
    475720 | 72735 | includes Olinthus
    475721 | 72735 | a <i>Procession</i>
    475722 | 72735 | the <i>Vocal Parts</i> | Reinhold, Mrs Baker, DuBellamy, Baker, Fox
    Performance: 72736 | 35228 | a | The Apprentice | As17700118.
    AsSeeDate: 72736 | cg | a | As | 17700118
    475723 | 72736 | Dick | Woodward
    475724 | 72736 | Wingate | Dunstall
    475725 | 72736 | Gargle | Morris
    475726 | 72736 | Simon | Cushing
    475727 | 72736 | Watchman | Quick
    475728 | 72736 | Charlotte | Miss Ogilvie.
    Performance: 72737 | 35228 | e | As17700224
    AsSeeDate: 72737 | cg | e | As | 17700224





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