16 May 1764

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1762-1763
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Tindal and Hayes

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg Love Makes a Man. As 5 April, but Charino-Hayes; Carlos-Tindal[, first time%. *a?cg The Knights. As 5 Jan., but Jenny-Miss Cokayne; Penelope-_; Sukey-_. *d?cg II: <i>A Hornpipe</i>-Miss Pitt; End: <i>The Knife Grinders</i>, as 12 Oct. 1763. *c?cg Benefit for $Tindal= and $Hayes=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1764 05 16 cg Love Makes a Man. ^As17640405^ but Charino-Hayes; Carlos-Tindal, first time.*a1764 05 16 cg The Knights. ^As17640105^, but Jenny-Miss Cokayne; Penelope-_; Sukey-_.*d1764 05 16 cg II: <i>A Hornpipe</i>-Miss Pitt; End: <i>The Knife Grinders</i>, ^as17631012^.*c1764 05 16 cg Benefit for $Tindal= and $Hayes=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32244 | 17640516 | cg | Benefit for $Tindal= and $Hayes=
    Performance: 65777 | 32244 | p | Love Makes A Man | As17640405 but Charino-Hayes; Carlos-Tindal, first time.
    AsSeeDate: 65777 | cg | p | As | 17640405
    109370 | 65777 | Charino | Hayes
    109371 | 65777 | Carlos | Tindal, first time.
    438521 | 65777 | Clodio | Woodward
    438522 | 65777 | Don Antonio | Dunstall
    438523 | 65777 | Duart | Davis
    438524 | 65777 | Don Lewis | Shuter
    438525 | 65777 | Manuel | Gardner
    438526 | 65777 | Monsieur | Holtom
    438527 | 65777 | Governor | Anderson
    438528 | 65777 | Sancho | Cushing
    438529 | 65777 | Jaques | Bennet
    438530 | 65777 | Angelina | Miss Hallam
    438531 | 65777 | Elvira | Mrs Vincent
    438532 | 65777 | Louisa | Mrs Baker.
    Performance: 65778 | 32244 | a | The Knights | As17640105, but Jenny-Miss Cokayne; Penelope-_; Sukey-_.
    AsSeeDate: 65778 | cg | a | As | 17640105
    109372 | 65778 | Jenny | Miss Cokayne
    438533 | 65778 | Hartop | Shuter
    438534 | 65778 | Sir Gregory | Bennet
    438535 | 65778 | Jenkins | Davis
    438536 | 65778 | Penelope | Mrs Copin
    438537 | 65778 | Sukey | Mrs Evans
    438538 | 65778 | Tim | Costollo.
    Performance: 65779 | 32244 | d | II: <i>A Hornpipe</i>-Miss Pitt; End: <i>The Knife Grinders</i>, as17631012
    AsSeeDate: 65779 | cg | d | As | 17631012
    438539 | 65779 | i>The Knife Grinders</i> | Duquesney, Miss Wilford. See17600417.


As17640405 but Charino-Hayes; Carlos-Tindal, first time.


As17640105, but Jenny-Miss Cokayne; Penelope-_; Sukey-_.


Comment: II: A Hornpipe-Miss Pitt; End: The Knife Grinders, as17631012

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