28 March 1764

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1762-1763
Volume: 4
Comments: By Command of their Majesties. And with the Original March

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Samson. [Parts were:% Samson-; Manoa-; Micah-; Israelite Officer-; Chorus of Israelites-; Dalila-; Harapha-; Chorus of Philistine women and Priests of Dagon-. *m??cg As 9 March. *c??cg By Command of $their Majesties=. And with the Original March.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1764 03 28 cg Samson. Parts were: Samson-; Manoa-; Micah-; Israelite Officer-; Chorus of Israelites-; Dalila-; Harapha-; Chorus of Philistine women and Priests of Dagon-.*m1764 03 28 cg ^As17640309^.*c1764 03 28 cg By Command of $their Majesties=. And with the Original March.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 32163 | 17640328 | cg | By Command of $their Majesties=. And with the Original March
    Performance: 65547 | 32163 | p | Samson | Parts were: Samson-; Manoa-; Micah-; Israelite Officer-; Chorus of Israelites-; Dalila-; Harapha-; Chorus of Philistine women and Priests of Dagon-.
    109058 | 65547 | Samson
    109059 | 65547 | Manoa
    109060 | 65547 | Micah
    109061 | 65547 | Israelite Officer
    109062 | 65547 | Chorus of Israelites
    109063 | 65547 | Dalila
    109064 | 65547 | Harapha
    109065 | 65547 | Chorus of Philistine women and Priests of Dagon | .
    Performance: 65548 | 32163 | m | As17640309
    AsSeeDate: 65548 | cg | m | As | 17640309


Title: Samson
Parts were: Samson-; Manoa-; Micah-; Israelite Officer-; Chorus of Israelites-; Dalila-; Harapha-; Chorus of Philistine women and Priests of Dagon-.


Comment: As17640309

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