17 April 1752

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1751-1752
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Pritchard, Treasurer. Tickets his house next the Chapel in Great Queen St., Lincoln's Inn Fields. This day publish'd at 1s.A Poetical Epistle from Shakespear in Elysium, to Mr Garrick at Drury Lane Theatre. Printed for J. Newberry (General Advertiser). Old Jack Ray, dy'd (Cross). Receipts: #130 (Cross)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl The Stratagem. As 9 Jan., but Mrs Sullen-Mrs Pritchard; Sullen-Burton; Gipsie-Mrs Simson. *a??dl Lethe. As 14 April, but Frenchman-Blakes; Aesop-_. *d??dl IV: A <i>Hornpipe</i>-the Little Swiss. *s??dl I: Master Vernon. *c??dl Benefit for $Pritchard=, Treasurer. Tickets his house next the Chapel in <i>Great Queen St.</i>, <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>. This day publish'd at 1s.<i>A Poetical Epistle from Shakespear</i> in Elysium, to $Mr Garrick= at <i>Drury Lane Theatre</i>. Printed for $J. Newberry= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). Old $Jack Ray=, dy'd ($Cross=). Receipts: #130 (Cross).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1752 04 17 dl The Stratagem. ^As17520109^, but Mrs Sullen-Mrs Pritchard; Sullen-Burton; Gipsie-Mrs Simson.*a1752 04 17 dl Lethe. ^As17520414^ but Frenchman-Blakes; Aesop-_.*d1752 04 17 dl IV: A <i>Hornpipe</i>-the Little Swiss.*s1752 04 17 dl I: Master Vernon.*c1752 04 17 dl Benefit for $Pritchard=, Treasurer. Tickets his house next the Chapel in <i>Great Queen St.</i>, <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>. This day publish'd at 1s.<i>A Poetical Epistle from Shakespear</i> in Elysium, to $Mr Garrick= at <i>Drury Lane Theatre</i>. Printed for $J. Newberry= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). Old $Jack Ray=, dy'd ($Cross=). Receipts: #130 (Cross).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 26110 | 17520417 | dl | Benefit for $Pritchard=, Treasurer. Tickets his house next the Chapel in <i>Great Queen St.</i>, <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>. This day publish'd at 1s.<i>A Poetical Epistle from Shakespear</i> in Elysium, to $Mr Garrick= at <i>Drury Lane Theatre</i>. Printed for $J. Newberry= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). Old $Jack Ray=, dy'd ($Cross=). Receipts: #130 (Cross)
    Performance: 52342 | 26110 | p | The Stratagem | As17520109, but Mrs Sullen-Mrs Pritchard; Sullen-Burton; Gipsie-Mrs Simson.
    AsSeeDate: 52342 | dl | p | As | 17520109
    86141 | 52342 | Mrs Sullen | Mrs Pritchard
    86142 | 52342 | Sullen | Burton
    86143 | 52342 | Gipsie | Mrs Simson.
    377192 | 52342 | Tamerlane | Sowdon
    377193 | 52342 | Bajazet | Mossop
    377194 | 52342 | Axalla | Lee
    377195 | 52342 | Selima | Miss Bellamy
    377196 | 52342 | Arpasia | Mrs Pritchard
    377197 | 52342 | Moneses | Havard
    377198 | 52342 | Hal | Simson
    377199 | 52342 | Dervisse | Winstone
    377200 | 52342 | Stratocles | Mozeen
    377201 | 52342 | Omar | Burton
    377202 | 52342 | Prince of Tanais | Blakes
    Performance: 52343 | 26110 | a | Lethe | As17520414 but Frenchman-Blakes; Aesop-_.
    AsSeeDate: 52343 | dl | a | As | 17520414
    86144 | 52343 | Frenchman | Blakes
    377203 | 52343 | 7520401 but Frenchman | Garrick
    377204 | 52343 | Fine Gentleman | Woodward
    Performance: 52344 | 26110 | d | IV: A <i>Hornpipe</i>-the Little Swiss
    Performance: 52345 | 26110 | s | I: Master Vernon


As17520109, but Mrs Sullen-Mrs Pritchard; Sullen-Burton; Gipsie-Mrs Simson.


Title: Lethe
As17520414 but Frenchman-Blakes; Aesop-_.


Comment: IV: A Hornpipe-the Little Swiss


Comment: I: Master Vernon

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