01 November 1744

Event Information
Theatre: Haymarket Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1744-1745
Volume: 3
Comments: At Cibber's Academy in the Hay-Market...will be presented a Concert of Musick, Vocal and Instrumental. The Vocal Parts-Mr Brett, Mrs Hill, and others; the Instrumental by eminent Masters. The Doors to be open'd at Four, the Concert to begin at Five, and no Persons to be admitted after Seven o'clock. The Prices are Four Shillings, Half a Crown and Eighteen Pence. Places may be bespoke at the Academy. After the Concert will be exhibited Gratis, a Rehearsal, in Form, of the Play-(often acted with great Applause) call'd Romeo and Juliet. Written by Shakespear. The Characters personated by the Master of the Academy, his Assistants, Pupils, and Servants. With Proper Habits, Scenes and Decorations. [After Cibber announced his Academy, he received the following letter from the Justice of the Peace: I see by your advertisements, in regard to your Academical Performances, that they are of the same Nature as Mr L/c@y's were some Years ago, which brought him to a great deal of Trouble. Some strong Applications are making now to give you some; of which I think proper to give you Notice, in this private Manner, that you may avoid it.-Tho. de Veil. 31 Oct. Cibber, A Serio-Comic Apology. p. 12.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??hay Romeo and Juliet. *c??hay At <i>Cibber's Academy</i> in the <i>Hay-Market</i>...will be presented a Concert of Musick, Vocal and Instrumental. The Vocal Parts-$Mr Brett=, $Mrs Hill=, and others; the Instrumental by eminent Masters. The Doors to be open'd at Four, the Concert to begin at Five, and no Persons to be admitted after Seven o'clock. The Prices are Four Shillings, Half a Crown and Eighteen Pence. Places may be bespoke at the Academy. After the Concert will be exhibited Gratis, a Rehearsal, in Form, of the Play-(often acted with great Applause) call'd <i>Romeo and Juliet</i>. Written by $Shakespear=. The Characters personated by the Master of the Academy, his Assistants, Pupils, and Servants. With Proper Habits, Scenes and Decorations. [After Cibber announced his Academy, he received the following letter from the Justice of the Peace: I see by your advertisements, in regard to your Academical Performances, that they are of the same Nature as $Mr L/c@y='s were some Years ago, which brought him to a great deal of Trouble. Some strong Applications are making now to give you some; of which I think proper to give you Notice, in this private Manner, that you may avoid it.-$Tho. de Veil=. 31 Oct. Cibber, <i>A Serio-Comic Apology</i>. p. 12.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1744 11 01 hay Romeo and Juliet.*c1744 11 01 hay At <i>Cibber's Academy</i> in the <i>Hay-Market</i>...will be presented a Concert of Musick, Vocal and Instrumental. The Vocal Parts-$Mr Brett=, $Mrs Hill=, and others; the Instrumental by eminent Masters. The Doors to be open'd at Four, the Concert to begin at Five, and no Persons to be admitted after Seven o'clock. The Prices are Four Shillings, Half a Crown and Eighteen Pence. Places may be bespoke at the Academy. After the Concert will be exhibited Gratis, a Rehearsal, in Form, of the Play-(often acted with great Applause) call'd <i>Romeo and Juliet</i>. Written by $Shakespear=. The Characters personated by the Master of the Academy, his Assistants, Pupils, and Servants. With Proper Habits, Scenes and Decorations. [After Cibber announced his Academy, he received the following letter from the Justice of the Peace: I see by your advertisements, in regard to your Academical Performances, that they are of the same Nature as $Mr L/c@y='s were some Years ago, which brought him to a great deal of Trouble. Some strong Applications are making now to give you some; of which I think proper to give you Notice, in this private Manner, that you may avoid it.-$Tho. de Veil=. 31 Oct. Cibber, <i>A Serio-Comic Apology</i>. p. 12.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22365 | 17441101 | hay | At <i>Cibber's Academy</i> in the <i>Hay-Market</i>...will be presented a Concert of Musick, Vocal and Instrumental. The Vocal Parts-$Mr Brett=, $Mrs Hill=, and others; the Instrumental by eminent Masters. The Doors to be open'd at Four, the Concert to begin at Five, and no Persons to be admitted after Seven o'clock. The Prices are Four Shillings, Half a Crown and Eighteen Pence. Places may be bespoke at the Academy. After the Concert will be exhibited Gratis, a Rehearsal, in Form, of the Play-(often acted with great Applause) call'd <i>Romeo and Juliet</i>. Written by $Shakespear=. The Characters personated by the Master of the Academy, his Assistants, Pupils, and Servants. With Proper Habits, Scenes and Decorations. [After Cibber announced his Academy, he received the following letter from the Justice of the Peace: I see by your advertisements, in regard to your Academical Performances, that they are of the same Nature as $Mr L/c@y='s were some Years ago, which brought him to a great deal of Trouble. Some strong Applications are making now to give you some; of which I think proper to give you Notice, in this private Manner, that you may avoid it.-$Tho. de Veil=. 31 Oct. Cibber, <i>A Serio-Comic Apology</i>. p. 12.
    Performance: 43941 | 22365 | p | Romeo And Juliet


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