Event Comment: Benefit Carey. With some Additional Songs proper to
the Characters, which will be printed, and given Gratis to all Persons at
their Entrance. [A Tragedy of half an act entitled
Did You Ever See The Like? was advertised as an afterpiece for t
his day 1n
Fog's, 28 Nov.]
Daily Post, 3 Dec.: Our Friend
Harry Carey having t
his Night a Benefit...
the Powers of Music, Painting, and Poetry, assemble in
his Behalf, he being an Admirer of
the three Sister Arts:
The Body of Musicians meet in
the Hay-market, from whence
they march in great Order, preceded by a magnificent moving Organ, in Form of a Pageant, accompany'd by all Kinds of Musical Instruments ever in Use, from Tubal Cain to t
his Day: A great Multitude of Booksellers,
Authors and Printers, form
themselves into a Body at
Temple-Bar, from whence of Printers Devils, with
their proper Implements: Here
the two Bodies of Music and Poetry are joined by
the Bro
thers of
the Pencil, where taking a Glass of Refreshment at
the Bedford-Arms,
they make a solemn Procession to
the Theatre, amidst an innumerable Croud of Spectators