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We found 3416 matches on Event Comments, 808 matches on Performance Title, 483 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Benefit for the Widows and Orphans of the Brave Men who perished, and for those who were wounded, in the Glorious Action on the 14th of February last [off Cape St. Vincent], under Admiral Sir John Jervis. Patrons: His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. Stewards: Duke of Leeds, Duke of Bedford, Earl of Chesterfield, Earl of Cardigan, Earl Spencer, Lord Kinnaird, Charles Grey Esq., Thomas Tyrwhitt Esq., William Lushington Esq., William Manning Esq., John Thomson Esq., John Julius Angerstein Esq.


Mainpiece Title: Alceste

Ballet: End Opera: Sapho et Phaon. As17970406

Event Comment: The Last Time of Performing in This Theatre. Kemble Mem.: Sheridan wrote the Address [not listed on playbill; see Gazetteer, 6 June], Palmer delivered it. Universal Magazine, June 1791, p. 438: On Saturday night, of a gradual decay, and in the 117th year of her age, died old Madam Drury, who lived through six reigns, and saw many generations pass in review before her...She had a rout of near 2000 people at her house the very night of her death; and the old lady found herself in so much spirits, that she said she would give them 'No Supper' without a 'Song'; which being complied with, she fell back gently in her chair, and expired without a groan. Dr Palmer, one of her family physicians, attended her in her last moments, and announced her dissolution to the company. [This was written by George Colman, ynger.] Gazetteer, 6 June: Samuel Johnson was powerfully and pathetically shewn the universal horror which men feel of the last even towards things indifferent, or sometimes unpleasant; and there seemed to be some apprehension of this sort of pain on Saturday, for a very few attended to take their leave of the scene where they have been so often regaled with fictitious sorrow and gladness. [This theatre was first opened on 26 March 1674. It has been altered and redecorated on several occasions, notably by the architects Robert and James Adam in the summer of 1775, for which see illustration in The London Stage, Part IV, Vol. III, 1650. The new theatre was not in readiness until April, 1794. The principal reason for the delay was that the patent had lapsed, and "it being necessary to obtain one previous to the payment of their respective sums on the part of the subscribers, application was made to Mr Harris, of Covent Garden Theatre, who possessed a dormant patent." The price set was #15,000, and the patent was sent to a banker for inspection. A Mr George White, who had married a daughter of William Powell, one of the former patentees, and had thereby a financial interest, objected to this price, and "obtained a prohibition in the Court of Chancery which obliged the banker to restore the patent to the Manager of Covent Garden Theatre." The subscribers to the new Drury Lane thereupon refused to pay their subscriptions, and work on the demolition of the old theatre was halted (London Chronicle, 30 July 1792). Sheridan finally offered #20,000: #15,000 to Harris and #5,000 to White, which was accepted, and work on the theatre was resumed, the cornerstone being laid on 4 Sept. 1792 (Morning Chronicle, 6 Sept.; London Chronicle, 12 Sept. 1792). The Actual sum eventually paid to Harris was #11,667.] Paid in lieu of Benefits: Kelly #100; Miss Farren #300; Aickin #60; Williames #42. Received from Their Majesties for Season #78. Paid Renters #20 apiece (Account-Book). Receipts: #105 5s. 6d. (74.7.0; 24.0.6; 6.18.0)


Mainpiece Title: The Country Girl

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Event Comment: t foot of Bill]: Whenever a Pantomime or Farce shall be advertised, the advanced prices shall be returned to those who do not choose to stay; and on Thursday next will be published the Manager's reasons for his conduct in the present dispute. Winston MS.: Fleetwood, the manager, and servants driven from doors & all rushed in. Genest, IV, 137-38: A country gentleman was taken from an upper box and carried before a magistrate. This step when known by the audience occasioned much mischief. Acting the play not allowed. General Advertiser, 22 Nov.: An Address to the Public, dl Theatre 20 November. As the extraordinary disturbances which have lately happened at this theatre greatly affect the diversions of the publick, as well as the property of the manager, he thinks it incumbent on him to justify his conduct by giving a fair statement of the case....The reasons of complaint assigned, he apprehends, are the exhibition of Pantomimes, Advanced Prices, and Insults on the audience--as to the first, he submits it to be considered that however distasteful such pieces may be to the delicacy of some judgments, yet there are others to whose taste they are suited; as the playhouse may be considered as the general mart of pleasure, it is only from the variety of entertainment, the different tastes of the public can be supplied--of this the receipts of the house are a sufficient evidence, it being notorius, how necessary the addition of such pieces is towards procuring the best play a numerous audience. With regard to the advanced prices, the Manager hoped he should in some measure be justified by the great increase of the charges of the theatre which, notwithstanding any reduction that has been made, are still at least a fourth part greater than usual--but as in this point he has already submitted, he conceives it can no longer remain the subject of their displeasure, especially as by an advertisement handed about the theatre it was said that every objection would cease, when the manager consented to return the advanced prices to those, who did not choose to be tortured with entertainments. As to insults on the audience...last week upon some persons flinging the sconces and candles on the stage a quarrel arose, in the confusion of which a Gentleman was secured, but by whom the Manager knows not, nor ever gave any order, or was any acquainted with the affair till after he was discharged, for the truth of which he refers to the affidavit annexed. As to the accusation of several bruisers (as they are termed) being employed on Saturday night to insult Gentlemen, the Manager declares, that there was none but the Peace Officers, Carpenters, and Scene-men (which on account of the Entertainments are very numerous) and other servants belonging to the theatre; nor did they appear till urged by the tumult, by tearing up benches and threat'ning to come on the stage and demolish the scenes; nor could the Manager apprehend this legal precaution to prevent mischief and defend his property would ever be construed as an infringement on the liberty of an audience, especially when it is considered, what great damages he sustained some years ago on an attempt of the like nature--if any such persons appeared in the pit, the Manager presumes, they must have come in with the multitude, after his doorkeepers were drove from their posts, and the house was open to all; which was evident from several hundred persons more being present at the disturbance than were at the performance that night, who then came to a determination to prevent any performance on the Monday. After this impartial account of his conduct, the manager appeals to the judgment of the publick what foundation he has given for the outrageous disturbance on Monday night; and cannot help thinking, the real injuries he has sustained, too severe a punishment for an imaginary offence, having lost several hundred pounds already, by people being terrified from frequenting the theatre. A total exclusion is now insisted on, the Manager to resign his property, the Publick to be deprived of their diversions and the players of their subsistence; And all this after every concession, becoming one gentleman to ask, or another to make, has been submitted to. [Affidavit of Constable followed. See Genest, IV, 139-40.] The following three pamphlets came out expressing points of view concerning Fleetwood and his policy and management: I. The Disputes between the Director of d.l. and the Pit Potentates, 20 Nov. As a Letter to a Friend it tells the resolution: not to have old Pantomimes (so execrably bad that they were damn'd when new) imposed on them, unless the manager would take no more than common prices; reports how Fleetwood stocked the pit with Men of doughty valor...disguised in the habits of Gentlemen, to throw out all who protested; protests the system of casting employed whereby 2nd rate actors appeared in good parts; discusses hardship cases of certain actors (Mrs Roberts, Mrs Horton, Mrs Mills) and asks why Theophilus Cibber is not on the stage. 2. An Impartial Examen of the Present Contests, by Mr Neitherside, 1744: harks back to Fleetwood's finacial policies of the previous year, deploring his relations with the actors and with manager of cg; scourges him for miscasting his plays around one prominent actor, rather than giving a balanced performance; deplores his paying Mrs Cibber, Mrs Clive so much; revives the 1743 dispute which led to secession; dislikes the casting for 2 Nov. of Love's Last Shift; suggests better casts for many plays; scores the Licensing Act for reducing players to slavery; hopes for resumption of balanced performances. 3. Stage Policy Detected, or some Selcet Pieces of Theatrical Secret History Laid Open, in a Letter to a Certain Manager, 1744: takes apart Fleetwood's Defense, statement by statement, giving him the lie at each point. Suggests the real money from the house comes from Pit and Box, which are protesting his pantomimes; shows full attendance at Rehearsal and Macbeth with no afterpieces. Especially dislikes the hired bruisers, and the cast of the Alchemist for 6 Nov


Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Wife

Dance: Muilment

Event Comment: To be seen a Person who performs the most surprizing Things...he presents you with a common Wine bottle, which any of the Spectators may first examine; this Bottle is plac'd on a Table in the Middle of the Stage, and he (without any Equivocation) goes into it in Sight of all the Spectators, and sings in it; during his Stay in the Bottle, any Person may handle it, and see plainly that it does not exceed a common Tavern Bottle. The Performance continues about Two Hours and a Half. These Performances have been seen by most of the Crowned Heads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and never appear'd anywhere Public but once. Stage 7s. 6d. where Masks may be worn. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. [The famous Bottle Conjurer hoax.] Theatre was five o'clock; at seven the house was lighted up [but not music]...a Person came before the Curtain, and, bowing, promis'd if Mr Conjurer did not arrive in half an Hour, their Money should be return'd...after near an Hour...a Gentleman in the Box snatch'd a Candle lighted, and in Violence threw it on the Stage; this was the Signal for the Onset of Battle...the Boxes, Seats, Glasses, Scenes, Chairs, Machinery, and all the Furniture of the Play House, were in less than ten Minutes carried into the excellent Bonfire was made of Mr Foote's Auction may put a [pe]riod to the Auction, till the Theatre can be refitted.--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 139. [Potter was still owner of this theatre.] Those opposed to a recent late book would have been gratified had the Conjurer jumped into the bottle and proved that miracles had not yet ceased."--Daily Advertiser, 17 Jan. Last Night a numerous Audience, among whom were several Persons of Quality, was at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, in wonderful Expectation of seeing the Miraculous Man creep into a Bottle, and do several other Miracles; but the only one he perform'd was, that he render'd himself invisible (without any Equivocation) to the no small Disappointment of the gaping Multitude; who, being told from behind the Curtain that the Performer had not yet appear'd, but that if they would stay until the next Night, instead of a Quart Bottle he should creep into a Pint, immediately grew outrageous, and in a Quarter of an Hour's Time broke to Pieces all the Boxes, Benches, Scenes, and everything that was in their power to destroy, leaving only the Shell of the House remaining. Surely this will deter anyone from venturing to impose on the public in the like manner for the future.--General Advertiser, 17 Jan. [See also dl Comment 18, 19, 20, 27 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None

Event Comment: Benefit for the London Hospital. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. 2nd Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Stage Door of the Theatre; the Doors of which will be opened at 5:30, and the Performance to begin precisely at 6:30. No Money to be returned after the Curtain is drawn up, nor will any Person be admitted behind the Scenes. [Master Braham is identified in Grove. Address by Arthur Murphy (Town and Country Magazine, July 1787, p. 324).] This was the opening night of this theatre, which had been built by and was under the management of John Palmer. Following the afterpiece he explained to the audience the objections of the proprietors of dl, cg and hay to his opening the theatre. He said that he had from the Lieutenant of the Tower of London what he considered to be sufficient permission, but that he would nevertheless close the theatre temporarily. Palmer's difficulty was that he had no really legal permission from anybody for the performance of actual plays. See 3 July, and for further details the head-note to this season. World, 18 July, prints an official accoudting for this night from the theatre's treasurer: Receipts were #273 12s.; paid for music, advertisements, servants, &c. #37 10s.; lost in bad silver #1 19s.; paid the London Hospital #234 4s.; the players acted without salary


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens

Song: Between acts: The Soldier tired of War's Alarms-a little boy [Master Braham]

Entertainment: Monologue Preceding: Occasional Address-Palmer

Event Comment: Mainpiece: 32nd Night [i.e. in continuation, erroneously, of the reckoning for the preceding season, when it was acted 28 times]. With new Music, Scenes, Dresses, and Decorations. The Music (with a few Exceptions) composed entirely new by Shield. And new Scenery designed and chiefly executed by Richards. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. "Covent-garden is the National Theatre. I was there on 10th Dec. and saw an opera called The Woodman. It was the very day on which the life story of Madam Billington, both from the good as well as from the bad sides was announced [i.e. Memoirs of Mrs Billington, and An Answer to the Memoirs of Mrs Billington, both anonymous, both predated 1792]...She sang rather timidly this evening, but very well all the same. The first tenor [Incledon] has a good voice and quite a good style, but he uses the falsetto to excess. He sang a trill on high C and ran up to G. The 2nd tenor [Johnstone] tries to imitate him, but could not make the change from the falsetto to the natural voice, and apart from that is most unmusical...But the cast is entirely used to him. The leader is Herr Baumgartner [sic], a German who, however, has almost forgotten his mother-tongue. The Theatre is very dark and dirty, and is almost as large as the Vienna Court Theatre. The common people in the galleries of all the theatres are very impertinent; they set the fashion with all their unrestrained impetuosity, and whether something is repeated or not is determined by their yells. The parterre and all the boxes sometimes have to applaud a great deal to have something good repeated. That was just what happened this evening, with the Duet in the 3rd Act, which was very beautiful; and the pro's and contra's went on for nearly a quarter of an hour, till finally the parterre and the boxes won, and they repeated the Duet. Both the performers stood on the stage quite terrified, first retiring, then again coming forward. The orchestra is sleepy" (Haydn, 273-74). Receipts: #194 11s. (191.8; 3.3)


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques

Event Comment: The King's Company. For the identification of this play and details of its performance, see W. J. Lawrence, "Foreign Singers and Musicians at the Court of Charles II," Musical Quarterly, IX (1923), 217-25, and James G. McManaway, "Entertainment for the Grand Duke of Tuscany," Theatre Notebook, XVI (1961), 20-21. The Travels of Cosmo the Third [Monday 3 June 1669 NS; Monday 24 May 1669 OS]: In the afternoon his highness left home earlier than usual to make his visits, that he might be at the King's Theatre in time for the comedy, and a ballet set on foot and got up in honor of his highness by my Lord Stafford, uncle of the Duke of Norfolk. On arriving at the theatre, which was sufficiently lighted on the stage and on the walls to enable the spectators to see the scenes and the performances, his highness seated himself in a front box, where, besides enjoying the pleasure of the spectacle, he passed the evening in conversation with the Venetian ambassador, the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Stafford, and other noblemen. To the story of Psyche, the daughter of Apollo, which abounded with beautiful incidents, all of them adapted to the performers and calculated to express the force of love, was joined a well-arranged ballet, regulated by the sound of various instruments, with new and fanciful dances after the English manner, in which different actions were counterfeited, the performers passing gracefully from one to another, so as to render intelligible, by their movements, the acts they were representing. This spectacle was highly agreeable to his highness from its novelty and ingenuity; and all parts of it were likewise equally praised by the ladies and gentlemen, who crouded in great numbers to the theatre, to fill the boxes, with which it is entirely surrounded, and the pit, and to enjoy the performance, which was protracted to a late hour of the night (pp. 347-48). In BM Add. Mss. 10117, folio 230, Rugge's Diurnall states that towards the end of May 1669 Cosmo, Prince of Tuscany had several plays acted for him


Mainpiece Title: Psyche; Or, Love's Mistress

Event Comment: Ever studious for Public Amusement, I...strayed last Week, to a place near the Haymarket in Westminster, and Temple Bar in Middlesex, call'd James's St., where at the New Theatre, a Play called the Miser, with an Entertainment called the Old Man Bit, or Harlequin Skeleton, I saw rehears'd. J. W. Gray's Inn 12 Oct.-Theatrical Clippings, Folger Library. Benefit Julian Late of Goodman's Fields Theatre. At the New Theatre in James St., near Haymarket...a Concert. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit 1s. 6d. Gallery 1s. 6 p.m. Note, Mr Julian taken this Opportunity to acquaint his Friends, that these Performances will be done with the utmost Regularity and Decoration, most of the Performers having belong'd to the Theatres. [This customary notice about the concert, time and prices will not be included unless changed.


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Mock Doctor

Event Comment: [As afterpiece Public Advertiser announces The Rival Candidates, but see Hopkins Diary, 12 Oct.] The Managers met again to-day, but nothing settled. Hamlet was given out. I saw Mr Sheridan, he told me that Mr Lacy and he had agreed that no Play should be given out, nor any Bills put up, till they had settled this Affair, which was to be done to-Morrow at Mr Wallis's (the Attorney's) where they were all to dine. I waited on Mr Lacy, who agreed to the same, and no Bills or Paragraph were sent to the Papers. All the Business of the Theatre is at a Stand, and no Rehearsal called. Wed. 16th--Mr Sheridan, Dr Ford and Mr Linley dined today by Appointment with Mr Wallis where Mr Lacy was to have met them; about four o'clock he sent a verbal Message that he could not come to Dinner, but would wait upon them in the Evening, and about nine o'clock he came, and everything was settled to the Satisfaction (of them all) and a Paragraph sent to the Papers, and the Hypocrite and Christmas Tale was advertised for Friday, but no Play was to be done on Thursday--Covent Garden did not play on Friday (Hopkins Diary). Public Advertiser, 16 Oct., summarizes the proprietors' dispute: the Drury Lane patent had been purchased [in 1747] by David Garrick and James Lacy. On his death Lacy had devised his half-share to his son, Willoughby Lacy; on his retirement from the stage Garrick had sold his half-share to Sheridan, Ford and Linley. The original agreement between Garrick and Lacy, as recited in a document retained by the attorney Albany Wallis was that, in case of the sale of either share of the patent, or any part of either share, the seller was obligated to offer the first refusal to purchase to the other partner, and that this was to be done only when the theatre was closed for the summer. In selling one half of his share to Robert Langford and to Edward Thompson, Willoughby Lacy was--so argued his three partners--acting illegally: he had not offered to them the first refusal, and he was negotiating the sale at a time when the theatre was open. Public Advertiser, 17 Oct.. prints a statement from Lacy saying that he did not feel himself bound by the original agreement between his father and Garrick, but that, in the interest of the business of the theatre, he had asked Langford and Thompson to withdraw their claim to partnership, to which request they had acceded. Receipts: #130 9s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman

Event Comment: [Miss Cleland, who was from the Edinburgh theatre, is identified in Lysons, Collectanea. Cleland was a stage name; her real name was Buttery.] Afterpiece [1st time; P 2, by James Messink]: To conclude with an exact Representation of the Procession at an Eastern Marriage [based on sketches made in India by Tilly Kettle, the portrait painter (Theatre Notebook, VIII, 6)]. The Scenery by Richards, Carver, Hodgins, Cipriani, Catton and others. The Music composed by [Michael] Arne. The Pantomime by Messink. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Nothing under Full Price will be taken. Public Advertiser, 12 Jan. 1782: The Openings between every Scene and all internal parts of the Theatre are now so crouded by people absolutely necessary in one character or another that were they not judiciously arranged and marshalled, they would stand in each other's way, and create inextricable confusion. All that appears before an Audience as moving with the ease, regularity and promptitude of clock-work is the result of much Contrivance and many exertions of bodily Labour. Ibid, 16 Feb. 1782: This Day is published The Choice of Harlequin (1s.). Receipts: #270 19s. (265/15; 5/4)


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: The Choice of Harlequin; or, The Indian Chief

Song: As17811109

Event Comment: This was a semi-private rehearsal, with Davide as Pirro. "Yesterday evening an act of Pyrrhus was rehearsed on the stage of this theatre' (London Chronicle, 24 Feb.). "The Theatre is not yet ready entirely for the Public" (Oracle, 24 Feb.) [see 26 Mar.]. On 22 Feb. the newspapers carried a statement from the theatre that "the rehearsal announced for Wednesday Evening is...deferred for a few days." But this deferment was set aside. The Lord Chamberlain having refused a license for the performance of opera at this theatre, Pirro was not publicly performed


Mainpiece Title: Pirro

Event Comment: Benefit for the Author [of mainpiece, who is named in the Account-Book, but not on the playbill]. "A considerable tumult prevailed last night among the audience of this Theatre, on account of the unavoidable substitution of Miss Chapman and Mrs Harlowe for Mrs Esten and Mrs Wells (who are both indisposed). It was not that the audience objected to the former two, but because the names of Mrs Esten and Mrs Wells were printed in the bills usually sold about the Theatre, though not in those properly issued from the House. [Mrs Esten's name, however (but not Mrs Wells'), is listed in the "House" playbill for this night.] The audience were very violent, and the actors, after having nearly finished the first Act twice, were obliged to begin the Comedy a third time, before it was suffered quietly to proceed" (Morning Herald, 9 Feb.). "The fracas at Covent-garden Theatre on Wednesday evening was occasioned by the dexterity of certain Lottery Office keepers, who, in order to give notoriety to their shops, daily cause spurious Dramatis Personae of the theatres to be circulated; and on the reverse of these bills is conspicuously held forth the advantages of the public paying their cash into their gambling treasuries" (Morning Herald, 10 Feb.). Receipts: #191 17s. 6d. (187.2.6; 4.15.0; tickets: none listed)


Mainpiece Title: Notoriety

Afterpiece Title: Three Weeks after Marriage

Dance: As17910912

Event Comment: Mainpiece: 27th time [i.e. in continuation of the reckoning for the 1793 hay season]. The Overture, Chorusses, and the new Music by Dr Arnold. The Scenery by Rooker. Books of the Songs to be had at the Theatre. Half-Price not being taken at this Theatre, the Prices will be as in the Summer. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. 1st Gallery 2s. 2nd Gallery 1s. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [same throughout season, but see 11 Nov.]. Places for the Boxes to be had of Rice at the Theatre. dl Account-Book, 23 Nov.: Received of Colman for 50 Nights Use of the Patent of Drury Lane Theatre at #15 a Nt. #750; 3 Dec.: for 10 nights Use of Patent #150 [Et seq. throughout season.


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Event Comment: A new Comic Opera; the music by Cimarosa, under the direction of Federici. The music of both dances by Miller. With entirely new Dresses, Scenes and Decorations, both in the Theatre itself, and in the Representations. Pit 10s. 6d. 1st Gallery 5s. 2nd Gallery 3s. No Money to be returned. The Subscribers are respectfully entreated to observe that they are to produce their Tickets at the doors. The Doors to be opened at 6:30. To begin at 7:30 [same throughout season, except on 15 May). The Ladies at the Head of the Boxes arc respectfully reminded that such Boxes as shall not be paid for at the opening of the Theatre become then vacant, and may be claimed by any of the old Subscribers. No one to be admitted behind the scenes. For the greater Safety of the Company in coming and going out of the Theatre Mr Townsend has taken charge of the Peace Officers, and will himself attend every night of Performance. [Morning Herald, 12 Jan., notes than the original gallery is now divided into two, a lower and an upper, and that the chief colors used in the repainting of the auditorium are blue, white and gold. Ibid, 13 Jan.: The scenes [in the opera], which were entirely new, have never been exceeded in splendour of general effect...One, representing the hall of an Italian villa, shews a ceiling designed like that of the theatre itself [which the same newspaper, 4 Jan., describes as being Apollo and the Muses, in a cove enriched with allegorical figures, flowers, and medals, in chiaroscuro].]


Mainpiece Title: Il Matrimonio Segreto

Dance: End of Act I a new Divertisement, composed by Noverre [performers not listed]; End of Act II a new Pantomimic Ballet, composed by Noverre, Adelaide; ou, La Bergere des Alpes, by Aumer, Gentili, Mme Del Caro, Mlle Hilligsberg, Mme M. L. Hilligsberg Sen

Event Comment: 1st piece [1st time; PREL I, by Thomas Holcroft, based on The Covent Garden Tragedy, by Henry Fielding. Larpent MS 1039; not published; synopsis of plot in Morning Herald, 16 Sept.]. "The two Queens are represented by Munden and Fawcett, who are dressed up fantastically, wearing as Crowns Models of the two Theatres" (Morning Chronicle, 16 Sept.). Covent-Garden was crowned with a triangular representation of the Piazza; Drury-Lane with her own Theatre, surmounted by Apollo" (Morning Herald, 16 Sept.). [This was Burton's 1st appearance in London; he was from the Norwich theatre. Miss Cornelys was from the Dublin theatre.] No Money to be returned. Boxes 6s. Second Price 3s. Pit 3s. 6d. Second Price 2s. Gallery 2s. Second Price 1s. Upper Gallery 1s. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Brandon at the Office in Hart-street. The Doors to be opened at 5:30. To begin at 6:30 [see 30 Oct.]. Receipts: #305 1s. 6d. (296.10.6; 8.11.0)


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, Drury-lane And Covent-garden

Afterpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Sprigs of Laurel

Event Comment: The opening of the season was originally announced for 21 Dec. 1799, but on that day the Morning Chronicle carried the following notice: "The Nobility and Gentry, Subscribers to the Opera, and the Public, are most respectfully informed that the opening of this Theatre is unavoidably postponed to Saturday next, the 28th instant, on account of the indisposition of one of the principal Performers." But on the 28th the opening was again postponed to 4 Jan. On 6 Jan. a notice appeared in the Morning Herald, as follows: "King's Theatre, Saturday Evening, January 4, 1800. The Directors beg leave respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry (Subscribers) and the Public in general that the Theatre was advertised to be opened This Evening, with the concurrence and approbation of the Trustees, and it was not until this afternoon that they heard of an unforeseen difficulty having arisen with respect to issuing the License. It was then too late to advertise by means of the Public Newspapers the necessary postponement of the opening; but every effort was made on the part of the Direction to apprise the Subscribers, by sending to their respective houses, and by distributing a hand-bill in all the principal streets; notwithstanding which, they lament to find that many Ladies and Gentlemen were disappointed. The Directors humbly hope that on this statement of the fact they shall stand acquitted of all disrespect to the Subscribers and the Public, who shall have the earliest notice of the conclusion of all the arrangements for the immediate opening of the Theatre and performance of Operas for the season." See 11 Jan. A copy of the hand-bill referred to above, making mention of the "unforeseen circumstances," is attached to the Kemble playbill of dl, 4 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None


Mainpiece Title: The Goldsmiths Jubilee; Or, London's Triumph

Performance Comment: Containing, A Description of the several Pageants: On which are Represented, Emblematical Figures, Artful Pieces of Architecture, and Rural Dancing: with the Speeches Spoken on each Pageant. Performed Octob. 29, 1674 for the Entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly Noble Pattern of prudence and Loyalty, Sir Robert Vyner, Kt & Bart, Lord Mayor of the City of London: At the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. The King's Most Sacred Majesty and his Royal Consort, their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of York, Prince Rupert, The Duke of Monmouth, several Foreign Embassadors, Chief Nobility, and Secretaries of State, honouring the City with their Presence.


Mainpiece Title: London's Triumph; Or, The Goldsmith's Jubilee

Performance Comment: Performed on Saturday, October XXIX. 1687. For the Confirmation and Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing A Description of the several Pageants and Speeches, made proper for the Occasion. Together with a Song, for the Entertainment of His Majesty, who with His Royal Consort; the Queen Dowager; their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court, honour his Lordship, this Year, with their Presence. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. By Mr Taubman.


Mainpiece Title: Cyrus The Great; Or, The Tragedy Of Love

Performance Comment: Edition of 1696: Prologue to Her Royal Highness-; Cyrus the Great-Betterton; Cyaxares-Smith; Hystaspes-Kynaston; Craesus-Bowman; Abradatas-Hudson; Artabasus-Thurmond; Thoiyris-Mrs Bowtell; Panthea-Mrs Barry; Lausaria-Mrs Bracegirdle; Epilogue-the Boy, Girl by way of Dialogue.


Mainpiece Title: The Anatomist; Or, The Sham Doctor

Performance Comment: Edition of 1697: Prologue-Mr Betterton by Mr Motteux; Old Mr Gerald-Bright; Young Mr Gerald-Hodson; The Doctor-Underhill; Wife to the Doctor-Mrs Leigh; Mrs Angelica-Mrs Bowman; Beatrice-Mrs Lawson; Martin-T. Harris; Crispus-Bowen; Simon-Trout; Waiting Woman-Mrs Robinson; Prologue to Her Royal Highness-Mr Motteux; Epilogue-Mr Motteux.

Afterpiece Title: The Loves of Mars and Venus

Event Comment: Post Boy, 2-4 Feb. 1696@7: On Monday the King visited the Princess of Denmark and invited her to Whitehall on Saturday next, it being her Royal Highnesses Birth Day, and his Majesty has been pleased to give the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine Orders to have the Play called Love for Love, written by Mr Congreve, Acted there the better to Celebrate the Day. Post Boy, 6-9 Feb. 1696@7: Last Saturday being the Anniversary of her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark's night the King was pleased to Entertain her with a fine Comedy, call'd Love for Love, Written by Mr Congreve, Acted by his Majesty's servants at Whitehall, where the Court appeared very gay and splendid, suitable to the occasion. [Somewhat similar references appear also in Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 180, and The Flying Post, 6-9 Feb. 1696@7.


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 3264, 18-22 Feb. 1696@7: On Wednesday next, being the 24th instant, will be performed at York Buildings, a New Song Set by Signior Baptist, for the Birth Day of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and by Her Royal Highness's Command


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: By His Royal Highness's Command, and for the Entertainment of their Highnesses, the Princess Royal and the Princess Amelia


Mainpiece Title: Rinaldo

Event Comment: By His Royal Highness's Command. With Magnificent New Scenes, Particularly one in Perspective of a Royal Palacev, which exceeds any that has been seen in England, containing about One Thousand Yards of Painting by Sig Roberto Clerici, and to be seen again this Year. Admission as 1 Feb. [The Prince and Princess present.


Mainpiece Title: Pyrrhus And Demetrius

Music: As17160502

Event Comment: We hear the famous Mr Pinkethman is building a handsome Playhouse at Richmond, for the Diversion of the Nobility and Quality that attend the Court of their Royal Highnesses; and will begin to play there soon after Whitsuntide, and shew the fine musical Picture he has prepar'd of the Royal Family, the like of which has never been seen in England.-Read's Weekly Journal, 31 May. Mr Prince the famous Dancing-Master is lately Deceas'd.-Original Weekly Journal, 31 May
