SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Cross jun"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Cross jun")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2851 matches on Event Comments, 2708 matches on Performance Comments, 328 matches on Performance Title, 110 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: More noise against the Dancers, wch so enrag'd My Ld that with a Number of Gents. he went into the upper Galleries & took out a very noisy person-who prov'd to be Cap. Venor's Brother; he resisted & was not brought behind the scenes without much Difficulty, sadly beat, yet still obstinate, they went with Garrick & Lacy into Mrs Clive's room, where he behav'd very boldly, but all was adjusted without farther Mischief (Cross). This day publish'd: The Mirror: a Poetical Essay in the manner of Spencer. Price 1s. Ridiculum acii fortissime & optime Secatrem. Anon. To David Garrick, Esq: by C. Arnold. Sold by Woodfall. Receipts: #180 (Cross)
Event Comment: Soon as Mr Garrick appear'd, a great Clap, with some hissing upon wch he said-Gentlemen it is impossible to go on with these hisses, I don't know what offence I am guilty of-they clap'd greatly-& he proceeded-Let one Gentleman speak for the rest & I'll give an Answer-there was a moments pause, & then a general cry of-Go on with the Play &c., all ceased-& all continu'd quiet (Cross). Receipts: #190 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Dance: IV: A Hornpipe-Mathews

Event Comment: MMrs Cibber who has been ill ever since ye riot on Tus. ye 18 Novr plays (Cross). Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: Benefit for a Gentlewoman depriv'd of Sight (her name is Ann Williams). Mrs Ridout dy'd (Cross). Part of Pit to be laid into Boxes, Amphitheatre to be formed on stage. Tickets of Mrs Sheward, at the Turk's Head in Newport St., Long Acre; Mr Dodsley, in Pall Mall; Mr Millan, at Charing Cross; Mr Millar in the Strand; Mr Newberry in St Paul's Churchyard; Mr Payne in Paternoster Row, Booksellers; and at stage door. Receipts: #260 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Merope

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Event Comment: Benefit for Wood, Sub-Treasurer. Tickets deliver'd out for The Mistake will be taken (playbill). For ye Morocco Embassador, who, tho' unlearn'd in out Language, behav'd as if he understood nature -Mr Wood, the Subtreasurer had Tickets (Cross). [Mrs Frances Brooke, in The Old Maid, for 8 May 1756, gives the following eye-witness account of the evening: "I determined to watch the artless working of [the Ambassador's] surprise, and to catch, as well as I could his sentiments of the theatre, the Audience, the Play, and the performers. And shall give them to my readers, just as they appeared to me. On his first coming to the front of the Box, he was complimented with the Applause of the whole House, which seemed to give him great pleasure, and which he returned by two bows in the English, and afterwards by a reverence in the Moorish manner, which last I thought very graceful...tho' he is rather low of stature, yet his loose flowing robes, and his manner altogether gave him such an air of superiority, that I thought the Audience looked only like his attendants. "The House and Spectators attracted his notice so much for some time, that he seem'd very well entertained before the drawing up of the curtain. At the first scene between the Lords, I thought he looked disappointed, and after a transient view of the stage, directed his eyes again to the company; at the entrance of King Henry his attention was a little recover'd to the performance, but his majesty had not proceeded half way thru the scene, before he burst into a most immoderate fit, of apparently contemptuous laughter, which he repeated very often thro' the whole playing of the part. The manner in which this stranger was affected by it, amongst other considerations, fully convinces me that this character is most ridiculously burlesqued in the representation, and that both Shakespeare and the Monarch are very inhumanly sacrificed, to the polite taste, and elegant distinction of the upper gallery....I could point out many abuses of the like nature, which have increased upon us so much of late, that 'tis almost impossible to attend the theatres, with the expectation of receiving pleasure from some parts of the perfbrmance, without the certainty of suffering equal disgust from others; it was the case of many besides myself, at this of Henry, upon the absurdity of Winchester's brandishing his cane at Canterbury, upon the close of the Council Scene; and yet to give opportunity for this notable stage foolery, the Archbishop and Bishop are both made to walk out of their proper order, tho' in attendance upon the King....His character is drawn by Shakespeare very nearly as it stands in history, and in colours far different from the farcical ones, in which it is the present fashion to represent it. He is described indeed as imperious, but at the same time a great Monarch, and not withstanding his short interjections of anger, he is in my judgment upon every occasion a King. I wish this consideration may prevail with Mr Berry, when he plays this character for the future, to remember that tho' Harry as well as Jobson may be something rough and boistrous, yet the turbulency of a haughty prince, is a very different quality, and must therefore appear in avery different fashion, from the sawciness of an impudent cobbler. "Whatever neglect his Moorish Excellency might discover of this part, he paid great attention to that of Queen Catherine; but nothing seem'd to affect him so stronglyas Miss Young's singing, at which he appeared quite collected, and listened to her with all marks of rapturous admiration; his whole soul appeared touched, and at the end of the song, he joined the house in clapping, a mark of applause I did not observe him give at any other time. "I thought upon the King's kissing Anna Bullen, that he appeared surprized and offended, and looked about, to observe whether others were not affected in the same manner. "The procession was less marked by him than I had expected, but upon the Champion's entry on horseback, he burst into such an Immoderate fit of laughter, as to fall quite back in his seat. "At the end of the play he rose, as if to leave the House, but looked very well pleased upon being informed there was more entertainment to come; in the Pantomime he seem'd surprized and disgusted at the appearance of Harlequin, to whom he did not appear reconciled to the last; his wonder was still greater at the flying of the Genii cross the stage, and other parts of the machinery, which I thought he studied byt was puzzled to account for. He laughed heartily at the Clown, and admired Colombine not a little.... "I am jealous of the honour of my country in all respects. I would have this stranger leave it with as high opinion of our publick entertainments as possible, and could wish that at the Old House, he might see Mr Garrick in Richard or some equally striking part, and at the New, he may be present at plays, where rich dresses, magnificent show and graceful action, and uncommon personal perfections in the principal performers might contribute to give him a more elevated idea of our stage, than he can have receiv'd from King Harry."] Receipts: #210 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Event Comment: Benefit for Mr Foote for ye farce (Cross). Mainpiece:Not acted these 12 years. [See 20 Nov. 1745.] Austin did Bertran r(first time) (Indiff) (Cross). Tickets to be had of Foote at the Whalebone Warehouse in James St., Covent Garden, and of Varney at the stage door. Part of pit laid into boxes. Receipts: #200 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar; Or, The Double Discovery

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Event Comment: BBarry play'd at C. Garden some little Noise, on Account of his being ye occasion of ye late Riot, & demanding more Money than usual-but his speech declaring his Innocence; King Lear went on in quiet (Cross). It is hoped that the Ladies and Gentlemen who took places for the Fatal Marriage this evening will excuse its not being acted 'till tomorrow, as it is impossible for Mrs Cibber to perform the character of Isabella without proper respit. The Old Comedy alter'd from Shirley [The Gamesters] will be reviv'd next week (Public Advertiser). Receipts: #160 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Event Comment: This was Mr Garrick's Benefit as Author (Cross). Receipts: #190 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Male Coquette

Dance: IV: The Italian Peasants, as17571004

Event Comment: About this time Mr Theo: Cibber Mr Maddocks the wire Dancer, & several other Theatrical performers, with & number of other Passangers embark'd on board the Dublin, Captain White, in order to go to Ireland but the Ship was lost & every Soul perish'd (Cross). As Mr Sparks & others complain'd of Mr Wilkinson for taking them off, it [Diversions of ye Morning] was intended to be omitted this Night, But the Audience call'd so violently for it, that we were oblig'd to let him do it--he took off Foote & Sheridan, & wou'd have left out Sparks but ye Audience wou'd not be satisfied without it--when they first call'd Mr Foote went forward & said as some of the performers had complain'd it was to be omitted; as for being taken off himself he had no Objection to it, as he was always glad to contribute to their Entertainm[en]t &c. (Cross). Mainpiece: Not acted these 2 years [see 14 Oct. 1756]. Receipts: #130 (Cross); #139 10s. (Winston MS 8)


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Diversions of the Morning

Event Comment: This is a farce of Macklin's Writing, it went off very greatly-he play'd Shylock too (Cross). Receipts: #190 (Cross). [Garrick and Lacy had contracted with Macklin for this Farce two weeks before this performance, according to the following document (BM Add. MS 27925): Memorandum of an Agreement relating to Mr Macklin's Farce and his Playing & performing in the said Farce, with such plays as shall be performed on which the said Farce shall be acted as aforesaid as follows: Imprimis: The said Farce to be publicly performed before Christmas, otherwise not this season on account of the Managers other engagements. Item: Mr Macklin to have for his performing in the said plays and Farce a Fifth part of the profits of the first five nights after deducting sixty-three pounds for the charges of each night during the said five nights-and the sixth night to be for the Benefit of Mr Macklin, he paying the usual charges of sixty-three pounds. Item: The Managers to have it in their power to stop the performances of the said Farce at the end of Six nights on account of their other engagements,-and in case the Receipt of any one night of the said nights on which the said Farce shall be performed as aforesaid shall fall short of One Hundred pounds. Then the Managers to have it in their power to stop the performance of said Farce as the Receipt does not amount to One Hundred pounds. Item: The said Six nights for the said Farce & plays in which Mr Macklin shall perform as aforesaid not to be played immediately succeeding one another, but alternately with such plays as the Managers shall think Convenient. Lastly: That if the said Farce shall meet with the disapprobation of the Publick, that then it shall be in the Power of Discretion of the Managers to stop the performance thereof. Dated this 28th day of November, 1759. S@ James Lacy, D. Garrick. Witness: R. Cross, Geo. Garrick.


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Dance: IV: A Dutch Dance-Master Settree, Master Blagdon, Miss Blagdon


Mainpiece Title: The Platonic Wife

Performance Comment: Parts by: Powell, Holland, Griffith, Lee, Havard, Moody, Parsons, Ackman, Mrs Clive, Miss Pope, Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Cross, Mrs Lee, Mrs Hippisley, Mrs Yates. With a Prologue and an Epilogue. Prologue-; Lord Frankland-Powell; Sir William Belville-Holland; Sir Harry Wilmot-Griffith; Mr Frankland-Lee; Ambrose-Havard; Patrick-Moody; Nicodemus Nicodemus-Parsons; Footman-Ackman; Lady Fanshaw-Mrs Clive; Emilia-Miss Pope; Clarinda-Mrs Hopkins; Frontage-Mrs Cross; Betty-Mrs Lee; Lucy-Mrs Hippisley; Lady Frankland-Mrs Yates; Epilogue-Mrs Clive (Genest, V, 65, suggests the character Fantange instead of Frontage), Published edn., 1765, lists the character Fontange.
Role: Frontage Actor: Mrs Cross


Mainpiece Title: Man And Wife; Or, The Shakespeare Jubilee

Performance Comment: Parts-Woodward, Shuter, Morris, Lewes, R. Smith, Davis, Dunstall, Perry, Quick, Wignell, Fox, Herbert, Mrs Green, Mrs Gardner, A Young Gentlewoman, who never appeared on any stage, Mrs Mattocks, Mrs Bulkley. With a Prelude-; Marcourt-Woodward; Cross-Shuter; Landlord-Morris; Luke-Lewes; Fleece-R. Smith; Buck-Davis; Kitchen-Dunstall; Col. Frankly-Perry; Ostler-Quick; Snarl-Wignell; Passengers-Fox, Herbert; Mrs Cross-Mrs Green; Landlady-Mrs Gardner; Sally-A Young Gentlewoman who never appeared on any stage; Miss Mary Linley, afterwards Mrs Tickell (Winston MS 10); Lettice-Mrs Mattocks; Charlotte-Mrs Bulkley; Passengers-Miss Pearce, Mrs Copin; With a Prelude, Dapperwit-Dyer; Jenkins-Hull; Townly-Wroughton (Edition of 1770).
Role: Cross Actor: Shuter
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Green

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Entertainment: End II: Pageant exhibiting the characters of Shakespeare-; End III: Representation of the Amphitheatre at Stratford Upon Avon-; with a Masquerade-


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Performance Comment: Marcourt-Woodward; Cross-Shuter; Kitchen-Dunstall; Col. Freeman-DuBellamy; Buck-Davis; Luke-Lewes; Snarl-Wignell; Fleece-R. Smith; Landlord-Morris; Mrs Cross-Mrs Green; Charlotte-Mrs Bulkley; Lettice-Mrs Kniveton; Landlady-Mrs Gardner; Sally-by the young Lady who performed in the Maid of the Mill and the Fairy Prince.
Role: Cross Actor: Shuter
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Green

Dance: II: Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Performance Comment: Marcourt-Woodward; Cross-Shuter; Kitchen-Dunstall; Col. Freeman-Perry; Mrs Cross-Mrs Green; Charlotte-Mrs Bulkley; Lettice-Mrs Mattocks; Landlady-Mrs Gardner; Sally-Miss Brown, who performed last season in the Fairy Prince and in Man and Wife.
Role: Cross Actor: Shuter
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Green


Mainpiece Title: Elfrida

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Performance Comment: Marcourt-Woodward; Kitchen-Dunstall; Cross-Shuter; Mrs Cross-Mrs Green; Charlotte-Miss Valois; Landlady-Mrs Gardner; Lettice-Mrs Kniveton; Sally-Miss Brown.
Role: Cross Actor: Shuter
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Green

Dance: End: New Dance-Aldridge, Miss Capon. [See17731014 and 6. Feb.

Event Comment: Afterpiece: Not acted these 4 years. [Miss Logan is identified on playbill of 28 June 1784.]


Mainpiece Title: In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Performance Comment: Marcourt-Palmer; Kitchen-Massey; Colonel Frankley-Riley; Snarl-Egan; Buck-Davis; Landlord-Usher; Luke-R. Palmer; Fleece-Stevens; Ostler-Swords; Mr Cross-Parsons; Charlotte-Mrs Bulkley; Sally-A Very Young Lady (1st appearance on any stage [Miss Logan]); Landlady-Mrs Love; Passenger-Mrs Poussin; Lettice-Miss Morris; Mrs Cross-Mrs Webb .
Role: Mr Cross Actor: Parsons
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Webb

Dance: As17830611


Mainpiece Title: The Wives Revenged

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Performance Comment: Marcourt-Whitfield; Kitchen-Thompson; Frankly-Davies; Cross-Fearon; Charlotte-Mrs Whitfield; Sally-A Very Young Lady, the same that performed it in the Haymarket [on 18 June 1783] (1st appearance on this stage [Miss Logan]); Landlady-Mrs Davenett; Lettice-Mrs Morton; Mrs Cross-Mrs Webb .
Role: Cross Actor: Fearon
Role: Mrs Cross Actor: Mrs Webb

Afterpiece Title: Poor Vulcan

Dance: End of 2nd piece The Poney Races, as17840504

Song: Procession to conclude with a new Theatrical Glee, composed by Shield, by Reinhold, Brett, Johnstone


Mainpiece Title: The School For Arrogance

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Lewis, Johnstone, Aickin, Farren, Wilson, Munden, Marshall, Thompson, Farley, Evatt, Cross, Mrs Wells, Miss Brunton, Mrs Mattocks. [Cast from text (G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1791): Count Conolly Villars-Lewis; MacDermot-Johnstone; Mr Dorimont-Aickin; Edmund-Farren; Sir Paul Peckham-Wilson; Sir Samuel Sheepy-Munden; Picard-Marshall; Exempt-Thompson; Footmen-Farley, Evatt, Letteney, Blurton; Bailiffs-Cross, Lee; Lucy-Mrs Wells; Lydia-Miss Brunton; Lady Peckham-Mrs Mattocks; Prologue-Bernard [in the Character of a News-hawker]; Epilogue-Mrs Mattocks. [These were spoken, as here assigned, at all subsequent performances.]These were spoken, as here assigned, at all subsequent performances.]
Role: Bailiffs Actor: Cross, Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Picture of Paris

Role: Jacobine Actor: Cross


Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques; or, The Merry Mourners

Performance Comment: Characters-Quick, Wilson, Munden, Thompson, Powel, Miss Chapman, Mrs Harlowe, Mrs Rock, Mrs Cross, Mrs Mattocks. [Cast from O'Keeffe's Dramatic Works, Vol. I (T. Woodfall, 1798), which is "shamefully incorrect" (see Genest, VII, 29), and Gazetteer, 15 Mar.: Cockletop-Quick; Napkin-Wilson [in text: Cubitt]; Frank-Munden; Thomas-Thompson; Heaty-Powel [in text: Wilson]; Joey-Blanchard (see17910315 John-Blurton; Mrs Camomile-Miss Chapman; Belinda-Mrs Harlowe; Flounce-Mrs Rock; Nan-Mrs Cross [in text: Mrs Wells]; Mrs Cockletop-Mrs Mattocks; Betty-Miss Brangin.


Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats; Or, The Strolling Gentlemen

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Lewis, Quick, Holman, Blanchard, Wilson, Munden, Hull, Cubitt, Macready, Thompson, Powel, Rock, Evatt, Reeve, C. Powell, Cross, Farley, Ledger, Milburne, Master Simmons, Mrs Wells, Miss Chapman, Mrs Pope.[Cast from O'Keeffe's Dramatic Works, Vol. II (T. Woodfall, 1798), and text (Dublin: For the Booksellers, 1791): Rover-Lewis; Sir George Thunder-Quick; Harry-Holman; Sim-Blanchard; John Dory-Wilson; Ephraim Smooth-Munden; Banks-Hull; Gammon-Cubitt; Muz [in subsequent seasons: Midge]-Macready; Sailors-Thompson, Farley, Milburne; Landlord-Powel; Twitch-Rock; Trap-Evatt; Zachariah-Reeve [in text: Rees (see17911012)]; Lamp-C. Powell; Sheriff's Officers-Cross, Ledger; Waiter-Master Simmons; Jane-Mrs Wells; Amelia-Miss Chapman; Lady Amaranth-Mrs Pope; Prologue-Harley; Epilogue-Mrs Pope. [These were spoken, as here assigned, at the 1st 10 performances only (see17910530).]These were spoken, as here assigned, at the 1st 10 performances only (see17910530).]
Role: Sheriff's Officers Actor: Cross, Ledger

Dance: As17901204


Mainpiece Title: The Belle's Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Linco's Travels

Afterpiece Title: The Cottage Maid

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Bannister, Incledon, Munden, Bernard, Macready, Mrs Pitt, Mrs Cross, Miss Broadhurst. Cast from Songs (T. Cadell, 1791): Reefwell-Bannister; Wakely-Incledon; Countryman-Munden; Sailor-Bernard; Squire Snareall-Macready; Margery-Mrs Pitt; Country Girl-Mrs Cross; Lydia-Miss Broadhurst.
Role: Country Girl Actor: Mrs Cross

Dance: In 3rd piece: a Hornpipe, Dance of Sailors-

Song: Masquerade Scene in 1st piece: Green Willow (composed by Percy)-Miss Broadhurst


Mainpiece Title: A Day In Turkey; Or, The Russian Slaves

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Holman, Farren, Munden, Fawcett, Cubitt, Macready, Thompson, Farley, C. Powell, Cross, Incledon, Mrs Esten, Mrs Mattocks, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Pope. [Cast from text (G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1792): Ibrahim-Holman; Orloff-Farren; Mustapha-Munden; A La Greque-Fawcett; Azim-Cubitt; Muley-Macready; Old Man-Thompson; Ismael-Farley; 2nd Turk-C. Powell [in text: Evatt (see17911230)]; Son-Cross; Selim-Incledon; Paulina-Mrs Esten; Lauretta-Mrs Mattocks; Fatima-Mrs Martyr; Alexina-Mrs Pope; Female Slaves-Mrs Fawcett, Mrs Rock; Prologue-Harley; Epilogue-Mrs Pope. [These were spoken, as here assigned, at the first 9 performances only (see17920120).]These were spoken, as here assigned, at the first 9 performances only (see17920120).]
Role: Son Actor: Cross

Afterpiece Title: Hob in the Well


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Blue Beard

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Byrne; Blue Beard-Darley; Clown-Follett; Brothers to Colombine-Farley, King; Assassins-Rowson, Powers; Haggard-Gray; Sligo-Rock; Swagger-Davies; M'Carney-Powel; Bounce-Marshall; Waiter-Cross; Doctor-C. Powell; Sailor-Rees; Footboy-Simmons; Tipy Bob-Munden; Daemons of Revenge-Ratchford, Platt, Rayner, Jackson, Wild, Bayzand; Sister Ann-Miss Leserve; Lady Dash-Miss Stuart; Mrs Fussick-Mrs Davenett; Miss Common-Mrs Rock; Mrs Hoplove-Mrs Cross; Widow Giggle-Mrs Gray; Colombine-Mlle St.Amand; Aerial Spirits-Mrs Watts, Mrs Arnold, Mrs Masters, Miss Birt, Miss Francis, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Ratchford, Miss Rowson, Miss Taylor, Miss Barnett. [And see17911221] .And see17911221] .
Role: Waiter Actor: Cross
Role: Mrs Hoplove Actor: Mrs Cross

Song: As17911020


Mainpiece Title: The Magician No Conjurer

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Quick, Blanchard, Wilson, Munden, Fawcett, Powel, Thompson, Cross, Rees, Rowson, Incledon, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Webb, Mrs Billington. Cast from Songs (T. Cadell, 1792): Talisman-Quick; Peter Panick-Blanchard; Sammy Sapling-Wilson; Grub-Munden; Dareall-Fawcett; Innkeeper-Powel; Countrymen-Thompson, Cross, Rees; Somerville-Incledon; Peggy-Mrs Martyr; Nelly-Mrs Mountain; Miss Talisman-Mrs Webb; Theresa-Mrs Billington; Rowson. Rowson.
Role: Countrymen Actor: Thompson, Cross, Rees

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Performance Comment: Meadows-Munden; Groom-Blanchard; Young Wrongward-Macready [Public Advertiser: Evatt]; Canteen-Cubitt; John-Thompson; Sternhold-Powel; William-Cross; Old Wrongward-Wilson; Sophia-Miss Chapman; Maid-Mrs Rock; Betsey Blossom-Mrs Martyr.
Role: William Actor: Cross


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Performance Comment: Principal Characters by Lewis, Quick, Holman, Wilson, Munden, Harley, Macready, Thompson, Powel, Rock, Evatt, Farley, C. Powell, Cross, Ledger, Rees, Simmons, Mrs Merry, Mrs Harlowe, Mrs Powell, Mrs Mattocks. [Cast from text (J. Debrett, 1792): Goldfinch-Lewis; Mr Silky-Quick; Harry Dornton-Holman; Mr Sulky-Wilson; Mr Dornton-Munden; Mr Milford-Harley; Hosier-Macready; Sheriff's Officer-Thompson; Mr Smith-Powel; Jacob-Rees; Waiter, Clerks, Servants, Postillions, Tradesmen, Tennis Markers [all unassigned in text]-Rock, Evatt, Farley, C. Powell, Cross, Ledger, Simmons; Sophia-Mrs Merry; Jenny-Mrs Harlowe; Mrs Ledger-Mrs Powell; Mrs Warren-Mrs Mattocks; [Text adds, unassigned: Milliner-; Manteau@maker-; Prologue-Fawcett; Epilogue-Mrs Mattocks. [These were spoken, as here assigned, at the 1st 21 performances only (see17920409).]These were spoken, as here assigned, at the 1st 21 performances only (see17920409).]

Afterpiece Title: Blue Beard

Role: Waiter Actor: Cross
Role: Mrs Hoplove Actor: Mrs Cross