SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Cross jun"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Cross jun")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2851 matches on Event Comments, 2708 matches on Performance Comments, 328 matches on Performance Title, 110 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: A Physician's Daughter in Distress had some Tickets (Cross). The Tickets deliver'd out by the Physician's daughter in distress will be taken (General Advertiser). Receipts: #130 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Role: Face Actor: Cross
Role: Doll Common Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Ballet: TThe Bird Catchers. As17501127

Event Comment: Benefit for a Citizen's Widow & 8 Children (Cross). Servants allowed to keep places on the stage, which will be formed into front and side Boxes (General Advertiser). The Stage being build, & Crowded, broke down, but luckily nobody was hurt (Cross). Tickets as of notice on 28 Nov. Receipts: #280 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Dance: I: Comic Dance, as17501117; End of Play: Comic Dance-McNeil, Mad Camargo. [the Dance which was inserted in Way of the World; see17501115]

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By Desire. Afterpiece: A new Musical Entertainment went off pretty well--some Noise &c. (Cross). Published at 3 o'clock that afternoon and sold at the theatre for 6d. (General Advertiser). No admission behind scenes or in Orchestra on account of the entertainment. [Music by C. Burney. Text by Moses Mendez]. Receipts: #120 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Alchemist

Role: Face Actor: Cross
Role: Doll Common Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Robin Hood

Event Comment: Mainpiece: By particular Desire. Afterpiece: Shuter & Mrs Mariet hurt in ye Part (Cross). Receipts: #180 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: IV: Comic Dance, as17501117

Event Comment: By Command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince & Pss of Wales (Cross). Receipts: #190 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: Devisse, Mad Auretti, Matthews, Mad Camargo, the Little Swiss

Event Comment: Great applause--I believe the Author had many friends (Cross). This day at 2 o'clock will be publish'd at 6d. The Original Story from which the New Comedy of Gil Blas is taken. Printed for W. Owen, at Temple Bar. Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: Benefit for the Author, went off very well (Cross). Tickets to be had of the Author at Mr Francklin's in Russel St., Covent Garden; or Mr Dodsley in Pall Mall, and at the stage Door. Receipts: #143 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: A little Hissing when given out (Cross). Receipts: #80 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: Benefit for ye Author (Cross). Tickets delivered for the third night will be taken (General Advertiser). Receipts: #150 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: A great deal of Hissing by some Gentlemen in the Pit--at ye beginning of the 4th Act an apple thrown at Mrs Pritchard, Mr Garrick call'd for by ye pit--one Gent: got up, & said they insisted upon another play for Monday--Mr Garrick said as they had met with no obstruction since ye first Night, the Author's property was concern'd & desir'd it might be play'd Monday and Tuesday, the last being ye Author's night, & wou'd give out another play for Wednesday--Several in ye House approving this--they consented & at ye end of ye play, Mr Garrick gave out Gil Blas for Monday & Tuesday & Romeo & Juliet for Wed.:--before this at ye end of ye 1st Act, & beginning of ye Second the performance, that Night had been interrupted with Groans, Hisses etc. from ye Pit (Cross). Receipts: #140 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: Benefit for ye Author (no more Noise) (Cross). Tickets as of 5 Feb. Tickets deliver'd out for the third and sixth Nights will be taken. Receipts: #140 (Cross). Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1751, pp. 77-78, concerning Gil Blas: To animadvert upon a piece which is almost universally condemned is unneccessary, and to defend this is impossible. There is not one elegant expression or moral sentiment in the dialogue; nor indeed one character in the drama, from which either could be expected. It is however, to be wished that the Town, which opposed this play with so much zeal, would exclude from the theatre every other in which there is not more merit; for partiality and prejudice will be suspected in the treatment of new plays, while such pieces as the London Cuckolds, and the City Wives Confederacy, are suffered to waste time and debauch the morals of society....Upon the whole the Author appears to have intended rather entertainment than instruction, and to have disgusted the Pit by adapting his comedy to the taste of the Galleries....Perhaps the ill success of this comedy is chiefly the effect of the author's having so widely mistaken the character of Gil Blas whom he has degraded from a man of sense, discernment, true humor, and great knowledge of an impertinent silly, conceited coxcomb, a mere Lying Valet, with all the affectation of a Fop, and all the insolence of a coward. [Thomas Gray wrote to Horace Walpole 3 March 1751, "Gil Blas is the Lying Valet in five acts. The fine lady has half-a-dozen good lines dispersed in it."


Mainpiece Title: Gil Blas

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Cross
Event Comment: Benefit for Cross (Wilder and Mattocks had Tickets) and Mrs Cross. N.B. The tickets are printed for Jane Shore for the 18th and will be taken this night. [Note the doubling of parts by Mozeen (Don Pedro and Conrade).] Receipts: #164 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: Devisse, Mad Auretti

Song: Master Mattocks

Event Comment: Benefit for Ray, W. Vaughan, G. Burton & ye Sub-Treasurer (Cross). Tickets of Ray, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, St Clement's Church; at the Black Swan Tavern, in Bartholomew Lane; the Old King's Head Tavern, Facing Somerset House; For Vaughan, at the One Ton Coffee House, St. James' Market; for Burton, at Pope's next the Stage Door, Russel St.; and of Hobson at the Stage Door. Tickets deliver'd for the Lady's Last Stake, or the Wife's Resentment will be taken. Receipts: #214 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Role: Face Actor: Cross
Role: Doll Common Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: Devisse, Mad Auretti, Little Swiss

Event Comment: Benefit Wright, Y. Cross, Mad. Camargo & 4 more had tickets (Cross). [The four were: Sturt, Lewis, G. Bullbrick, and Loyde.] Tickets for 13 April will be taken. Receipts: #110 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: I: Comic Dance, as17501231; III: Hornpipe-Master Shawford

Event Comment: Benefit for one Barry a Jeweller (Cross). A Charity Play, recommended by the City of London for Barry, Jeweller in Salisbury Court (being in great distress). Tickets at Grigsby's, Shadwell's, Janeway's and Sam's Coffee Houses by the Royal Exchange; Peele's, Nando's Anderton's and Temple Exchange in Fleet St., Marsh's Coffee House in Silver St., and at the stage door. Stage will be form'd into an Amphitheatre (General Advertiser). Mr Reinhold dy'd (Cross). A man no less admired for his private character than his publick performance. He has left behind him a Wife and Four small children in great distress; for the relief of whom the Managers of Drury Lane, and the actors have agreed to perform a play Gratis, some time next week; when it is hop'd the good nature of the publick will favour the intention of the performers. Tickets to be had of Mr Beard, at his house in North St., Red Lion Square, and at the theatre (General Advertiser, 16 May). Receipts: #60 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: IV: Comic Dance, as17501231

Event Comment: Benefit for the Widow Reinhold and her four small children in great distress. Tickets at Mrs Reinhold's at his house, the Green Door in Little Chapel St., and of Hobson at the stage ooor. Being posivitively the last time of performing this season. A Gift Day for ye Wid: Reinhold & 4 Small Children (Cross). Receipts: #101 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: Devisse, Mad Auretti

Event Comment: A Quarrel in ye Green room between old Cibber & Mrs Clive occasioned by his saying, the stage wanted a handsome Woman, &c. (Cross). Receipts: #70 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Song: II: Mattocks

Event Comment: Afterpiece: A new Entertainment in Italian Grotesque Characters. A blunder in the scenes of ye Entertainment & great noise as No more, Off, Off &c. (Cross). [Inspector No 195 appeared giving another favorable accolade to Mossop (Daily Advertiser and Literary Gazette).] Receipts: #120 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Song: Mattocks

Event Comment: This House had not been so good had not ye Part of Romeo , been read at ye other House by Mr Dyer--Mr Barry, being taken ill--when ye Apology was made Numbers came to us (Cross). Receipts: #90 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Mrs Motherly Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Song: II: A Song (composed by Mr Handel)-Master Vernon

Event Comment: KKing there--but not in ye Bills sent Word at 3 o'clock--Play went off well (Cross). We hear there are two more plays reviving at Drury Lane, which are intended to be played alternately, and that a new Pantomime Entertainment call'd Harlequin Ranger is preparing for the holydays. Receipts: #200 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Role: Tib Actor: Mrs Cross

Afterpiece Title: The Shepherd's Lottery

Event Comment: Benefit for ye widow of Capt. James Spencer, an Officer &c., and her small Children (Cross). An Old Officer who had been in His Majesty's Service 46 years, but dying when upon half-pay has left the Widow without pension and with several small children in greatest distress. N.B. Part of the Pit will be rail'd into the boxes and servants will be allowed to keep places on the Stage. Tickets to be had of Mrs Spencer, the uppermost house in Prince's Court, by Storey's Gate; the Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden; the Tiltyard Coffee House; St James Coffee House; Sweet's Coffee House, Bukingham Court; Bridge Street Coffee House; The Rainbow Coffee House, Ludgate Hill; the Temple Exchange, Fleet St.; the Rainbow, Cornhill; and at the Stage Door of the theatre where places may be taken. Mr Norton Amber, humbly hopes this general acknowledgment of the favour which his friends were pleas'd to confer on him by their generous appearance last Night at Drury Lane, will be accepted, instead of a more particular application, which his constant employment prevents; and begs leave to assure them, that he shall ever retain a most grateful sense of their indulgent assistance. Receipts: #252 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Mademoiselle Actor: Mrs Cross.

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Event Comment: Sun: 29th Dr Barrowby dy'd suddenly a good friend to ye Actors in Sickness (Cross). [Inspector No 259 appears in Daily Advertiser and London Gazette with a long comparison between actors and various styles of famous painters, Garrick, Barry, Miss Bellamy, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Pritchard, Woodward and Macklin are treated.] Receipts: #160 (Cross)
Event Comment: No alterations were made in the farce, but cutting out a little, & it was play'd with great Applause, & given out again with great Clapping. Benefit for Mr Worsdale (Cross). Tickets to be had at the Bedford Coffee House. Part of Pit laid into boxes. We hear that Miss Bellamy, belonging to Drury Lane Theatre, was taken ill on Sunday last, and continues very much indispos'd. Receipts: #230 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: Taste

Role: Brush Actor: Cross
Role: Boy Actor: Master Cross

Dance: End IV: a Comic Dance-Sg Piettro, Sga Piettro

Event Comment: A little hissing at ye farce (Cross). Mainpiece: Acted but once this season. Publish'd, Miscellaneous Observations on Hamlet, &c. 1s. [Contains a thoroughly Neo-Classical Preface and twenty-seven notes on passages in the play. Concerning the Gravedigger's Scene: This incoherent absurdity will forever remain an indelible blot in the character of our poet; and warn us no more to expect perfection in the work of a mortal, than sincerity in the breast of a female.] Receipts: #110 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: Taste

Role: Brush Actor: Cross
Role: Boy Actor: Master Cross

Dance: Madam Auretti

Event Comment: A little hissing during the farce, & at the End ye Audience call'd, no more &c.--& insisted upon another farce being given out wch Mr Blakes did--farewell Taste (Cross). The Book of the Entertainment will be sold in the theatre, and at R. Francklin's in Russel Street, Covent Garden (playbill). [The publication of Taste was dedicated to Francis Delaval, and includes in prefatory remarks Foote's distinction between Comedy and Farce: As the follies and absurdities of men are the sole objects of Comedy, so the powers of Imagination (Plot and Incident expected) are in this kind of writing greatly restrainded. No unnatural assemblages, no creatures of the fancy can procure the protection of the Comic Muse; men and things must appear as they are. To Farce greater liberties are permitted. I look upon Farce to hold the same rank in drama that Burlesque does in other poetry. It is employed either in debasing lofty subjects, or in raising humble ones.'] Receipts: #180 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Taste

Role: Brush Actor: Cross
Role: Boy Actor: Master Cross

Song: III: Haughty Strephon by Dr Arne-Master Vernon