19 January 1723

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1722-1723
Volume: 2
Comments: Admission as 7 Nov. 1722. Upon Complaint to the Royal Academy of Musick, that Disorders have been of late committed in the Footmen's Gallery, to the Interuption of the Performance, This is to give Notice, That the next Time any Disorder is made there, that Gallery will be shut up

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p`king's Otho. See 12 Jan. *c`king's Admission as 7 Nov. 1722. Upon Complaint to the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i>, that Disorders have been of late committed in the Footmen's Gallery, to the Interuption of the Performance, This is to give Notice, That the next Time any Disorder is made there, that Gallery will be shut up.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1723 01 19 king's Otho. ^See17230112^.*c1723 01 19 king's Admission as 7 Nov. 1722. Upon Complaint to the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i>, that Disorders have been of late committed in the Footmen's Gallery, to the Interuption of the Performance, This is to give Notice, That the next Time any Disorder is made there, that Gallery will be shut up.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 9595 | 17230119 | king's | Admission as 7 Nov. 1722. Upon Complaint to the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i>, that Disorders have been of late committed in the Footmen's Gallery, to the Interuption of the Performance, This is to give Notice, That the next Time any Disorder is made there, that Gallery will be shut up
    Performance: 15631 | 9595 | p | Otho | See17230112.


Title: Otho
None Listed

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