03 February 1721

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1720-1721
Volume: 2
Comments: Daily Post, 3 Feb.: Whereas several Persons on Wednesday last came to the Play-House in a Riotous Manner, to the Interruption of the Play, and Disturbance of the Audience: The Company think fit to desist from Acting till proper Care be taken to prevent the like Disorders for the future

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p]#lif Comment. *c]#lif <i>Daily Post</i>, 3 Feb.: Whereas several Persons on Wednesday last came to the Play-House in a Riotous Manner, to the Interruption of the Play, and Disturbance of the Audience: The Company think fit to desist from Acting till proper Care be taken to prevent the like Disorders for the future.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1721 02 03 lif Comment.*c1721 02 03 lif <i>Daily Post</i>, 3 Feb.: Whereas several Persons on Wednesday last came to the Play-House in a Riotous Manner, to the Interruption of the Play, and Disturbance of the Audience: The Company think fit to desist from Acting till proper Care be taken to prevent the like Disorders for the future.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 8568 | 17210203 | lif | <i>Daily Post</i>, 3 Feb.: Whereas several Persons on Wednesday last came to the Play-House in a Riotous Manner, to the Interruption of the Play, and Disturbance of the Audience: The Company think fit to desist from Acting till proper Care be taken to prevent the like Disorders for the future

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