23 November 1720

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1720-1721
Volume: 2
Comments: Admission as 19 Nov. Whereas Offence was taken last Saturday at the Opera, to the Misbehaviour of the Upper Gallery: This is to advertise, that unless they behave themselves more quietly and decently for the future, the Director of the Royal Academy of Musick will order that Gallery to be taken away

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p\?king's Astartus. See 19 Nov. *c\?king's Admission as 19 Nov. Whereas Offence was taken last Saturday at the Opera, to the Misbehaviour of the Upper Gallery: This is to advertise, that unless they behave themselves more quietly and decently for the future, the Director of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> will order that Gallery to be taken away.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1720 11 23 king's Astartus. ^See17201119^.*c1720 11 23 king's Admission as 19 Nov. Whereas Offence was taken last Saturday at the Opera, to the Misbehaviour of the Upper Gallery: This is to advertise, that unless they behave themselves more quietly and decently for the future, the Director of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> will order that Gallery to be taken away.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 8413 | 17201123 | king's | Admission as 19 Nov. Whereas Offence was taken last Saturday at the Opera, to the Misbehaviour of the Upper Gallery: This is to advertise, that unless they behave themselves more quietly and decently for the future, the Director of the <i>Royal Academy of Musick</i> will order that Gallery to be taken away
    Performance: 13604 | 8413 | p | Astartus | See17201119.


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