12 December 1660

Event Information
Theatre: Salisbury Court
Theatrical Season: 1660-1661
Volume: 1
Comments: On this day (L. C. 5@137,p. 343) Davenant was granted a warrant to act the following plays: Tempest, Measures for Measures, Much Adoe About Nothing, Romeo? and Juliet, Twelfe Night, The Life of King Henry the Eyght, The Sophy, Kinge Lear, The Tragedy of Mackbeth, The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, and The Dutchesse of Malfy. In addition, he was to have exclusive right for two months to The Mad Lover, The Mayde in Ye Mill, The Spanish Curate, The Loyall Subject, Rule a Wife and have a Wife, and [Pericles] Persiles Prince of Tyre. Davenant also received the right to act his own plays

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?salsbury Comment. *c?salsbury On this day (<i>L. C.</i> 5@137,p. 343) $Davenant= was granted a warrant to act the following plays: <i>Tempest</i>, <i>Measures for Measures</i>, <i>Much Adoe About Nothing</i>, <i>Romeo? and Juliet</i>, <i>Twelfe Night</i>, <i>The Life of King Henry the Eyght</i>, <i>The Sophy</i>, <i>Kinge Lear</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Mackbeth</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark</i>, and <i>The Dutchesse of Malfy</i>. In addition, he was to have exclusive right for two months to <i>The Mad Lover</i>, <i>The Mayde in Ye Mill</i>, <i>The Spanish Curate</i>, <i>The Loyall Subject</i>, <i> Rule a Wife and have a Wife</i>, and [<i>Pericles</i>] <i>Persiles Prince of Tyre</i>. Davenant also received the right to act his own plays.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1660 12 12 salsbury Comment.*c1660 12 12 salsbury On this day (<i>L. C.</i> 5@137,p. 343) $Davenant= was granted a warrant to act the following plays: <i>Tempest</i>, <i>Measures for Measures</i>, <i>Much Adoe About Nothing</i>, <i>Romeo? and Juliet</i>, <i>Twelfe Night</i>, <i>The Life of King Henry the Eyght</i>, <i>The Sophy</i>, <i>Kinge Lear</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Mackbeth</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark</i>, and <i>The Dutchesse of Malfy</i>. In addition, he was to have exclusive right for two months to <i>The Mad Lover</i>, <i>The Mayde in Ye Mill</i>, <i>The Spanish Curate</i>, <i>The Loyall Subject</i>, <i> Rule a Wife and have a Wife</i>, and [<i>Pericles</i>] <i>Persiles Prince of Tyre</i>. Davenant also received the right to act his own plays.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 65 | 16601212 | salsbury | On this day (<i>L. C.</i> 5@137,p. 343) $Davenant= was granted a warrant to act the following plays: <i>Tempest</i>, <i>Measures for Measures</i>, <i>Much Adoe About Nothing</i>, <i>Romeo? and Juliet</i>, <i>Twelfe Night</i>, <i>The Life of King Henry the Eyght</i>, <i>The Sophy</i>, <i>Kinge Lear</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Mackbeth</i>, <i>The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark</i>, and <i>The Dutchesse of Malfy</i>. In addition, he was to have exclusive right for two months to <i>The Mad Lover</i>, <i>The Mayde in Ye Mill</i>, <i>The Spanish Curate</i>, <i>The Loyall Subject</i>, <i> Rule a Wife and have a Wife</i>, and [<i>Pericles</i>] <i>Persiles Prince of Tyre</i>. Davenant also received the right to act his own plays

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