07 January 1668

Event Information
Theatre: In Moorfields, Bunhill, or Hatten Garden
Theatrical Season: 1667-1668
Volume: 1
Comments: Pepys, Diary: I away by coach to the Nursery, where I never was yet, and there to meet my wife and Mercer and Willet as they promised; but the house did not act to-day; and so I was at a loss for them

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?nursery Comment. *c?nursery <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I away by coach to the <i>Nursery</i>, where I never was yet, and there to meet my wife and $Mercer= and $Willet= as they promised; but the house did not act to-day; and so I was at a loss for them.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1668 01 07 nursery Comment.*c1668 01 07 nursery <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I away by coach to the <i>Nursery</i>, where I never was yet, and there to meet my wife and $Mercer= and $Willet= as they promised; but the house did not act to-day; and so I was at a loss for them.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 646 | 16680107 | nursery | <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: I away by coach to the <i>Nursery</i>, where I never was yet, and there to meet my wife and $Mercer= and $Willet= as they promised; but the house did not act to-day; and so I was at a loss for them

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