23 July 1715

Event Information
Theatre: Great Room
Theatrical Season: 1714-1715
Volume: 2
Comments: Benefit Castrucci, who came lately over from Italy with the Lord Burlington. At 7 p.m

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pT?grt Concert. *mT?grt Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; [In which [$Castrucci=] will perform% several Solos on the Violin-Castrucci[, intirely New%. *cT?grt Benefit $Castrucci=, who came lately over from <i>Italy</i> with the $Lord Burlington=. At 7 p.m.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1715 07 23 grt Concert.*m1715 07 23 grt Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; [In which $Castrucci=] will perform several Solos on the Violin-Castrucci[, intirely New.*c1715 07 23 grt Benefit $Castrucci=, who came lately over from <i>Italy</i> with the $Lord Burlington=. At 7 p.m.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 6060 | 17150723 | grt | Benefit $Castrucci=, who came lately over from <i>Italy</i> with the $Lord Burlington=. At 7 p.m
    Performance: 8644 | 6060 | p | Concert
    Performance: 8645 | 6060 | m | Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; [In which $Castrucci=] will perform several Solos on the Violin-Castrucci[, intirely New


Title: Concert
None Listed


Comment: Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; [In which Castrucci] will perform several Solos on the Violin-Castrucci[, intirely New

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