01 November 1714

Event Information
Theatre: Southwark
Theatrical Season: 1714-1715
Volume: 2
Comments: At the King's-Arms Tavern in Southwark

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pS?sou Injur'd Virtue; or, The Virgin Martyr. [See cast for performance at <i>Richmond</i>, probably in summer of 1714, in edition of 1715 and in $Rosenfeld=, pp. 274-75.% *cS?sou At the <i>King's-Arms Tavern</i> in <i>Southwark</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1714 11 01 sou Injur'd Virtue; or, The Virgin Martyr. See cast for performance at <i>Richmond</i>, probably in summer of 1714, in edition of 1715 and in $Rosenfeld=, pp. 274-75.*c1714 11 01 sou At the <i>King's-Arms Tavern</i> in <i>Southwark</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 5713 | 17141101 | sou | At the <i>King's-Arms Tavern</i> in <i>Southwark</i>
    Performance: 7920 | 5713 | p | Injur'd Virtue; Or, The Virgin Martyr | See cast for performance at <i>Richmond</i>, probably in summer of 1714, in edition of 1715 and in $Rosenfeld=, pp. 274-75.


See cast for performance at Richmond, probably in summer of 1714, in edition of 1715 and in Rosenfeld, pp. 274-75.
None Listed

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