21 May 1667

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1666-1667
Volume: 1
Comments: The Duke's Company. This performance is on L. C. list, 5@139, p. 125. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. Pepys, Diary: But, Lord! how it went against my heart to go away from the very door of the Duke's play-house, and my Lady Castlemayne's coach, and many great coaches there, to see The Siege of Rhodes. I was very near making a forfait, but I did command myself

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p ?lif The Siege of Rhodes. [see 27 Dec. 1662.% *c ?lif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This performance is on <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@139, p. 125. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 346. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: But, Lord! how it went against my heart to go away from the very door of the Duke's play-house, and my $Lady Castlemayne='s coach, and many great coaches there, to see <i>The Siege of Rhodes</i>. I was very near making a forfait, but I did command myself.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1667 05 21 lif The Siege of Rhodes. ^see16621227^.*c1667 05 21 lif The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This performance is on <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@139, p. 125. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 346. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: But, Lord! how it went against my heart to go away from the very door of the Duke's play-house, and my $Lady Castlemayne='s coach, and many great coaches there, to see <i>The Siege of Rhodes</i>. I was very near making a forfait, but I did command myself.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 548 | 16670521 | lif | The <i>Duke's Company</i>. This performance is on <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@139, p. 125. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 346. <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: But, Lord! how it went against my heart to go away from the very door of the Duke's play-house, and my $Lady Castlemayne='s coach, and many great coaches there, to see <i>The Siege of Rhodes</i>. I was very near making a forfait, but I did command myself
    Performance: 548 | 548 | p | The Siege Of Rhodes | see16621227.


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