20 January 1796

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1794-1795
Volume: 5
Comments: Receipts: #216 1s. (207.3; 8.18)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p cg Cross Purposes. As 8 Jan. *aThe Days of Yore. As 14 Jan. [<i>Prologue</i> as 13 Jan.% *aMerry Sherwood. As 4 Jan. *cReceipts: #216 1s. (207.3; 8.18).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1796 01 20 cg Cross Purposes. ^As17960108^.*a1796 01 20 cg The Days of Yore. ^As17960114^ <i>Prologue</i> ^as17960113^ .*a1796 01 20 cg Merry Sherwood. ^As17960104^.*c1796 01 20 cg Receipts: #216 1s. (207.3; 8.18).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 49957 | 17960120 | cg | Receipts: #216 1s. (207.3; 8.18)
    Performance: 110476 | 49957 | p | Cross Purposes | As17960108.
    AsSeeDate: 110476 | cg | p | As | 17960108
    729620 | 110476 | Grub | Munden
    729621 | 110476 | Chapeau | Knight
    729622 | 110476 | George Bevil | Macready
    729623 | 110476 | Robin | Farley
    729624 | 110476 | Frank Bevil | Claremont
    729625 | 110476 | Harry Bevil | Williamson
    729626 | 110476 | Emily | Mrs Townsend
    729627 | 110476 | Mrs Grub | Mrs Mattocks.
    Performance: 110477 | 49957 | a | The Days of Yore | As17960114 <i>Prologue</i> as17960113 .
    AsSeeDate: 110477 | cg | a | As | 17960114
    729628 | 110477 | Voltimar | Pope
    729629 | 110477 | King Alfred | Middleton
    729630 | 110477 | Earl of Devonshire | Harley
    729631 | 110477 | Sibald | Macready
    729632 | 110477 | Roger de Malvern | Hull
    729633 | 110477 | Earl of Northumberland | Toms
    729634 | 110477 | Gothrun | Richardson
    729635 | 110477 | Redwald | Davenport
    729636 | 110477 | Egbert | Claremont
    729637 | 110477 | Mollo | Thompson
    729638 | 110477 | Messenger | Williamson
    729639 | 110477 | Lothaire | Mrs Clendining
    729640 | 110477 | Swithun | Blurton
    729641 | 110477 | Dane | Abbot
    729642 | 110477 | Oswena | Miss Morris
    729643 | 110477 | Adela | Mrs Pope
    729644 | 110477 | <i>The Bellman's Chaunt</i> | Rees
    729645 | 110477 | Principal Vocal Characters | _Fawcett.
    729646 | 110477 | Attendants on Arthur of Bradley | Abbot, Powers
    729647 | 110477 | <i>A Dance</i>
    729648 | 110477 | Robin Hood | Follett
    729649 | 110477 | Arthur of Bradley | Farley
    729650 | 110477 | Little John | Simmons
    729651 | 110477 | Will Scarlet | Cranfield
    729652 | 110477 | Will Stukely | Williamson
    729653 | 110477 | Locksley | Gray
    729654 | 110477 | Midge the Miller | Street
    729655 | 110477 | Clerk | Rees
    729656 | 110477 | Parson of Barnsdale | Platt
    729657 | 110477 | Sheriff of Nottingham | Thompson
    729658 | 110477 | Prince of Arragon | Holland
    729659 | 110477 | Two Giants
    729660 | 110477 | Harlequin | Simpson
    729661 | 110477 | Maid Marian | Mlle St.Amand
    729662 | 110477 | Principal Archer | Bowden
    729663 | 110477 | <i>Dialogue Ballad</i> | Robin Hood, the Tanner
    729664 | 110477 | <i>The Witch of Sherwood</i> | Mrs Martyr
    729665 | 110477 | <i>Tinker's Song</i> | Knight
    729666 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by Allen o'Dale | Incledon
    729667 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by the Damsel | Mrs Clendining
    729668 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by the Earl's Daughter | Mrs Serres
    729669 | 110477 | A <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors | in the Field of Combat. Part II. Scene I. <i>A View of Fountain Dale</i>
    729670 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by <i>Curtal Fryar</i> | Bowden
    729671 | 110477 | <i>Beggar's Ballad</i> | Townsend
    729672 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by Irish Pilgrim | Johnstone
    729673 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by Allen o'Dale | Incledon
    729674 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by the Old Knight | Munden
    729675 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by Martha | Mrs Mountain
    729676 | 110477 | <i>Song</i> by the Witch
    729677 | 110477 | Apollo | Hercules-Diana-Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729678 | 110477 | Hercules | Diana-Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729679 | 110477 | Diana | Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729680 | 110477 | Orion | and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729681 | 110477 | and Cupid | Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729682 | 110477 | Persians | Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729683 | 110477 | Parthian | Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729684 | 110477 | Scythian | Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729685 | 110477 | Ethiopian | Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729686 | 110477 | Amazonian | Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729687 | 110477 | Grecian | Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729688 | 110477 | Thracian | Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729689 | 110477 | Lycian | Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729690 | 110477 | representing the Landing of Julius Caesar | Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729691 | 110477 | Saxon Archer | Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729692 | 110477 | Danish Archer | Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729693 | 110477 | Norman Archer | English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729694 | 110477 | English Archer | Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729695 | 110477 | Otaheitan | Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729696 | 110477 | Peruvian | East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729697 | 110477 | East Indian | Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729698 | 110477 | Chinese | Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729699 | 110477 | Arab | Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729700 | 110477 | Turkish | African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729701 | 110477 | African | North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729702 | 110477 | North American | Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729703 | 110477 | Lapland | Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729704 | 110477 | Russian | Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729705 | 110477 | Polish | Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729706 | 110477 | Flemish | Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729707 | 110477 | To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i> | Byrn
    729708 | 110477 | Chorus | .
    729709 | 110477 | Friar Tuck | Bowden
    729710 | 110477 | Tinker | Knight
    729711 | 110477 | Cryer | Rees
    729712 | 110477 | Beggar Man | Townsend
    729713 | 110477 | Tanner | Richardson
    729714 | 110477 | Allen@o'@Dale | Gray
    729715 | 110477 | Martha | Mrs Mountain
    729716 | 110477 | Damsel | Mrs Clendining
    729717 | 110477 | Witch of Nottingham Well | Mrs Martyr
    729718 | 110477 | as17951221 Robin Hood | Follett
    729719 | 110477 | Archers regaling on Venison <i>Song</i> | Follett
    729720 | 110477 | The Sheriff and Arthur | o'-Bardley's pursuit of Marian. Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy-is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729721 | 110477 | o' | Bardley's pursuit of Marian. Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy-is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729722 | 110477 | Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy | is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729723 | 110477 | and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector | the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729724 | 110477 | the Moving Grove | the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729725 | 110477 | the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner | the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729726 | 110477 | <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>
    729727 | 110477 | Sheriff introduces Marian to Arthur | o'-Bradley, her
    729728 | 110477 | o' | Bradley, her
    729729 | 110477 | intended Bride | Little John disguised, brings on a dead Buck as a present to Arthur-the Buck becomes animated and drives off Arthur, and Little John escapes with Marian. A Leap by Harlequin over the Heads of twelve Soldiers armed With Pikes, Swords. Scene IV. View of the Town Hall in Nottingham. Porter enters with Box-Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729730 | 110477 | brings on a dead Buck as a present to Arthur | the Buck becomes animated and drives off Arthur, and Little John escapes with Marian. A Leap by Harlequin over the Heads of twelve Soldiers armed With Pikes, Swords. Scene IV. View of the Town Hall in Nottingham. Porter enters with Box-Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729731 | 110477 | Porter enters with Box | Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729732 | 110477 | Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it | the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729733 | 110477 | which changes to the Town Stocks in which they are | Harlequin's Leap over the Heads of his pursuers, from the Thatch of the Alehouse. Scene VI. The Pinfold of Wakefield Town. The story of the Pindar of Wakefield-the Purseurs inclosed in the Pound. Scene VII. Robin Hood's Bower. Barrel of Ale which changes to the Cedar Tree of Lebanon, with a circular Bench. Scene VIII. View in Plumpton Park. Robin and his pursuers in full chace-the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729734 | 110477 | The story of the Pindar of Wakefield | the Purseurs inclosed in the Pound. Scene VII. Robin Hood's Bower. Barrel of Ale which changes to the Cedar Tree of Lebanon, with a circular Bench. Scene VIII. View in Plumpton Park. Robin and his pursuers in full chace-the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729735 | 110477 | Robin and his pursuers in full chace | the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729736 | 110477 | Pollard Wood <i>Song</i> | Mrs Clendining
    729737 | 110477 | and the Count discovered | Giants, Pigmies-Robin vanquishes the Prince of Arragon-- the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of Combat-
    729738 | 110477 | Pigmies | Robin vanquishes the Prince of Arragon-- the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of Combat-
    729739 | 110477 | the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of
    729740 | 110477 | Story of the Curtal Fryar <i>Song</i> | Bowden
    729741 | 110477 | Robin's skill in Archery | Arthur-o'-Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729742 | 110477 | Arthur | o'-Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729743 | 110477 | o' | Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729744 | 110477 | Bradley changed to a Tree | shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729745 | 110477 | shot at by Robin and his Party | enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729746 | 110477 | Nottingham Market | Place, Gibbet, Ladder. Robin rescues Will Scarlet. The Sheriff suspended on the Gibbet, Arthur-o'-Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729747 | 110477 | Arthur | o'-Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729748 | 110477 | o' | Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729749 | 110477 | Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire | The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729750 | 110477 | attended by the Bridemen and Maids | a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729751 | 110477 | a <i>Morrice Dance</i>
    729752 | 110477 | the Marriage of Allen and Martha Martha's <i>song< | Mrs Mountain
    729753 | 110477 | Harlequin changes the Cottage to a Ship | a French Vessel appears in view, which he changes to a cart-and the Scene to a Plough Field-a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729754 | 110477 | which he changes to a cart | and the Scene to a Plough Field-a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729755 | 110477 | and the Scene to a Plough Field | a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729756 | 110477 | A Landscape changes to a Stile | Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729757 | 110477 | Archers to Trees | the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729758 | 110477 | the Death of Robin by Arthur | o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729759 | 110477 | o' | Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729760 | 110477 | The renovation of Robin by the Witch of Nottingham | Mrs Martyr
    729761 | 110477 | Clouds with Angels supporting Wreaths | which changes to Scene VIII. Representing the Triumphs of Archery, as17951228. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    Performance: 110478 | 49957 | a | Merry Sherwood | As17960104.
    AsSeeDate: 110478 | cg | a | As | 17960104
    729762 | 110478 | <i>The Bellman's Chaunt</i> | Rees
    729763 | 110478 | Principal Vocal Characters | _Fawcett.
    729764 | 110478 | Attendants on Arthur of Bradley | Abbot, Powers
    729765 | 110478 | <i>A Dance</i>
    729766 | 110478 | Robin Hood | Follett
    729767 | 110478 | Arthur of Bradley | Farley
    729768 | 110478 | Little John | Simmons
    729769 | 110478 | Will Scarlet | Cranfield
    729770 | 110478 | Will Stukely | Williamson
    729771 | 110478 | Locksley | Gray
    729772 | 110478 | Midge the Miller | Street
    729773 | 110478 | Clerk | Rees
    729774 | 110478 | Parson of Barnsdale | Platt
    729775 | 110478 | Sheriff of Nottingham | Thompson
    729776 | 110478 | Prince of Arragon | Holland
    729777 | 110478 | Two Giants
    729778 | 110478 | Harlequin | Simpson
    729779 | 110478 | Maid Marian | Mlle St.Amand
    729780 | 110478 | Principal Archer | Bowden
    729781 | 110478 | <i>Dialogue Ballad</i> | Robin Hood, the Tanner
    729782 | 110478 | <i>The Witch of Sherwood</i> | Mrs Martyr
    729783 | 110478 | <i>Tinker's Song</i> | Knight
    729784 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by Allen o'Dale | Incledon
    729785 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by the Damsel | Mrs Clendining
    729786 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by the Earl's Daughter | Mrs Serres
    729787 | 110478 | A <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors | in the Field of Combat. Part II. Scene I. <i>A View of Fountain Dale</i>
    729788 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by <i>Curtal Fryar</i> | Bowden
    729789 | 110478 | <i>Beggar's Ballad</i> | Townsend
    729790 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by Irish Pilgrim | Johnstone
    729791 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by Allen o'Dale | Incledon
    729792 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by the Old Knight | Munden
    729793 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by Martha | Mrs Mountain
    729794 | 110478 | <i>Song</i> by the Witch
    729795 | 110478 | Apollo | Hercules-Diana-Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729796 | 110478 | Hercules | Diana-Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729797 | 110478 | Diana | Orion-and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729798 | 110478 | Orion | and Cupid-Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729799 | 110478 | and Cupid | Four Satyrs drawing a moving Group of Figures, representing Penelope's Suitors trying to bend Ulysses' Bow. Banner, "Antient Archery," succeeded by Archers of the following nations: Persians-Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729800 | 110478 | Persians | Parthian-Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729801 | 110478 | Parthian | Scythian-Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729802 | 110478 | Scythian | Ethiopian-Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729803 | 110478 | Ethiopian | Amazonian-Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729804 | 110478 | Amazonian | Grecian-Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729805 | 110478 | Grecian | Thracian-Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729806 | 110478 | Thracian | Lycian-Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729807 | 110478 | Lycian | Roman. Banner, "Archery introduced into <i>Britain</i>." Pageant, representing the Landing of Julius Caesar-Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729808 | 110478 | representing the Landing of Julius Caesar | Saxon Archer-Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729809 | 110478 | Saxon Archer | Danish Archer-Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729810 | 110478 | Danish Archer | Norman Archer-English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729811 | 110478 | Norman Archer | English Archer-Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729812 | 110478 | English Archer | Pageant representing the <i>Battle of Hastings</i>. Banner, "Modern Archery." Grand Meeting of Modern Archers of all nations: Otaheitan-Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729813 | 110478 | Otaheitan | Peruvian-East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729814 | 110478 | Peruvian | East Indian-Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729815 | 110478 | East Indian | Chinese-Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729816 | 110478 | Chinese | Arab-Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729817 | 110478 | Arab | Turkish-African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729818 | 110478 | Turkish | African-North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729819 | 110478 | African | North American-Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729820 | 110478 | North American | Lapland-Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729821 | 110478 | Lapland | Russian-Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729822 | 110478 | Russian | Polish-Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729823 | 110478 | Polish | Flemish-Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729824 | 110478 | Flemish | Caledonian, English. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn
    729825 | 110478 | To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i> | Byrn
    729826 | 110478 | Chorus | .
    729827 | 110478 | Friar Tuck | Bowden
    729828 | 110478 | Tinker | Knight
    729829 | 110478 | Cryer | Rees
    729830 | 110478 | Beggar Man | Townsend
    729831 | 110478 | Tanner | Richardson
    729832 | 110478 | Allen@o'@Dale | Gray
    729833 | 110478 | Martha | Mrs Mountain
    729834 | 110478 | Damsel | Mrs Clendining
    729835 | 110478 | Witch of Nottingham Well | Mrs Martyr
    729836 | 110478 | as17951221 Robin Hood | Follett
    729837 | 110478 | Archers regaling on Venison <i>Song</i> | Follett
    729838 | 110478 | The Sheriff and Arthur | o'-Bardley's pursuit of Marian. Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy-is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729839 | 110478 | o' | Bardley's pursuit of Marian. Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy-is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729840 | 110478 | Harlequin appears as a Beggar Boy | is refused relief from the Sheriff, but receives it from Robin and his Men. Marian forced by the Sheriff from Robin. The Witch of Nottingham rises from the Well, puts Robin in possession of an enchanted Horn to wind when in distress, and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector-the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729841 | 110478 | and appoints Harlequin as his Guide and Protector | the Moving Grove-the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729842 | 110478 | the Moving Grove | the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner-the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729843 | 110478 | the story of Robin Hood and the Tanner | the Miniature View of the Suburbs of Nottingham, which changes to Scene II. A View of Nottingham Town. The Sheriff offers a reward for apprehending Robin. <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>-
    729844 | 110478 | <i>The Cryer's Chaunt</i>
    729845 | 110478 | Sheriff introduces Marian to Arthur | o'-Bradley, her
    729846 | 110478 | o' | Bradley, her
    729847 | 110478 | intended Bride | Little John disguised, brings on a dead Buck as a present to Arthur-the Buck becomes animated and drives off Arthur, and Little John escapes with Marian. A Leap by Harlequin over the Heads of twelve Soldiers armed With Pikes, Swords. Scene IV. View of the Town Hall in Nottingham. Porter enters with Box-Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729848 | 110478 | brings on a dead Buck as a present to Arthur | the Buck becomes animated and drives off Arthur, and Little John escapes with Marian. A Leap by Harlequin over the Heads of twelve Soldiers armed With Pikes, Swords. Scene IV. View of the Town Hall in Nottingham. Porter enters with Box-Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729849 | 110478 | Porter enters with Box | Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it-the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729850 | 110478 | Marian taken by Arthur is forced into it | the Box being placed on the head of Arthur changes into a Bird Cage, in which he is inclosed. Scene V. A Country Alehouse. <i>Tinker's Song</i>-Farley, Knight
    729851 | 110478 | which changes to the Town Stocks in which they are | Harlequin's Leap over the Heads of his pursuers, from the Thatch of the Alehouse. Scene VI. The Pinfold of Wakefield Town. The story of the Pindar of Wakefield-the Purseurs inclosed in the Pound. Scene VII. Robin Hood's Bower. Barrel of Ale which changes to the Cedar Tree of Lebanon, with a circular Bench. Scene VIII. View in Plumpton Park. Robin and his pursuers in full chace-the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729852 | 110478 | The story of the Pindar of Wakefield | the Purseurs inclosed in the Pound. Scene VII. Robin Hood's Bower. Barrel of Ale which changes to the Cedar Tree of Lebanon, with a circular Bench. Scene VIII. View in Plumpton Park. Robin and his pursuers in full chace-the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729853 | 110478 | Robin and his pursuers in full chace | the commencement of the Story of the Prince of Arragon, and the Earl of Nottingham's Daughter. The Entree of the Two Giants--the Challenge to Combat. Scene IX. Pollard Wood <i>Song</i>-Mrs Clendining
    729854 | 110478 | Pollard Wood <i>Song</i> | Mrs Clendining
    729855 | 110478 | and the Count discovered | Giants, Pigmies-Robin vanquishes the Prince of Arragon-- the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of Combat-
    729856 | 110478 | Pigmies | Robin vanquishes the Prince of Arragon-- the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of Combat-
    729857 | 110478 | the <i>Grand Dance</i> of Warriors in the Field of
    729858 | 110478 | Story of the Curtal Fryar <i>Song</i> | Bowden
    729859 | 110478 | Robin's skill in Archery | Arthur-o'-Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729860 | 110478 | Arthur | o'-Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729861 | 110478 | o' | Bradley changed to a Tree-shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729862 | 110478 | Bradley changed to a Tree | shot at by Robin and his Party-enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729863 | 110478 | shot at by Robin and his Party | enters transfixed with Arrows. Scene II. Fountain Abbey Wall. <i>Beggar's Ballad</i>-
    729864 | 110478 | Nottingham Market | Place, Gibbet, Ladder. Robin rescues Will Scarlet. The Sheriff suspended on the Gibbet, Arthur-o'-Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729865 | 110478 | Arthur | o'-Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729866 | 110478 | o' | Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire-The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729867 | 110478 | Bradley by a Lanthorn of Fire | The Priest and Attendants enclosed in the Ladder. Scene V. Barnsdale Church. The Story of Allen o'Dale, Martha and the Old Knight and Martha, attended by the Bridemen and Maids-a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729868 | 110478 | attended by the Bridemen and Maids | a <i>Morrice Dance</i>-
    729869 | 110478 | a <i>Morrice Dance</i>
    729870 | 110478 | the Marriage of Allen and Martha Martha's <i>song< | Mrs Mountain
    729871 | 110478 | Harlequin changes the Cottage to a Ship | a French Vessel appears in view, which he changes to a cart-and the Scene to a Plough Field-a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729872 | 110478 | which he changes to a cart | and the Scene to a Plough Field-a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729873 | 110478 | and the Scene to a Plough Field | a piece of Mechanism is introduced representing a Farmer with his Plough and Team of Horses. Scene VII. A Landscape changes to a Stile-Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729874 | 110478 | A Landscape changes to a Stile | Archers to Trees-the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729875 | 110478 | Archers to Trees | the Death of Robin by Arthur-o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729876 | 110478 | the Death of Robin by Arthur | o'-Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729877 | 110478 | o' | Bradley and his Men. Scene VII
    729878 | 110478 | The renovation of Robin by the Witch of Nottingham | Mrs Martyr
    729879 | 110478 | Clouds with Angels supporting Wreaths | which changes to Scene VIII. Representing the Triumphs of Archery, as17951228. To conclude with a <i>Grand Dance of Archers</i>-Byrn




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