18 November 1791

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1791-1792
Volume: 5
Comments: Receipts: #159 10s. (149.0.6; 10.9.6)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p cg Notoriety. As 5 Nov. *aA Divertisement. As 26 Sept. *cReceipts: #159 10s. (149.0.6; 10.9.6).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1791 11 18 cg Notoriety. ^As17911105^.*a1791 11 18 cg A Divertisement. ^As17910926^.*c1791 11 18 cg Receipts: #159 10s. (149.0.6; 10.9.6).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 47521 | 17911118 | cg | Receipts: #159 10s. (149.0.6; 10.9.6)
    Performance: 104202 | 47521 | p | Notoriety | As17911105.
    AsSeeDate: 104202 | cg | p | As | 17911105
    661256 | 104202 | Nominal | Lewis
    661257 | 104202 | Hubbub | Quick
    661258 | 104202 | O'Whack | Johnstone
    661259 | 104202 | Clairville | Farren
    661260 | 104202 | Sir Andrew Acid | Wilson
    661261 | 104202 | Lord Jargon | Munden
    661262 | 104202 | Saunter | Davies
    661263 | 104202 | James | Farley
    661264 | 104202 | Sophia Strangeways | Mrs Wells
    661265 | 104202 | Lady Acid | Mrs Webb
    661266 | 104202 | Honoria | Mrs Esten
    Performance: 104203 | 47521 | a | A Divertisement | As17910926.
    AsSeeDate: 104203 | cg | a | As | 17910926
    661267 | 104203 | Sophia | Mrs Harlowe in place of $Mrs Arnold=
    661268 | 104203 | The Speaking Characters | Johnstone, Wilson, Blanchard, Incledon, Darley, Cubitt, Rees, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Arnold. Cast adjusted from Songs
    661269 | 104203 | Frederick | Johnstone
    661270 | 104203 | Sir Fidget Fearful | Wilson
    661271 | 104203 | Gregory | Blanchard
    661272 | 104203 | Squire Thicket | Incledon
    661273 | 104203 | Clueline | Darley
    661274 | 104203 | Flambeau | Cubitt
    661275 | 104203 | Whim | Rees
    661276 | 104203 | Peggy | Mrs Martyr
    661277 | 104203 | Female Indian | Mrs Mountain
    661278 | 104203 | With Dialogue
    661279 | 104203 | <i>I'm jolly Dick the Lamplighter</i> | Cubitt
    661280 | 104203 | <i>Let Bards elate</i> | Blanchard
    661281 | 104203 | <i>Of the Ancients its speaking</i> | Johnstone
    661282 | 104203 | <i>Here a shere Hulk lies poor Tom Bowling</i>] | Darley
    661283 | 104203 | <i>How much I love thee</i> | Wilson
    661284 | 104203 | <i>Abergavenny is fine</i> | Mrs Martyr
    661285 | 104203 | <i>To Batchelor's Hall</i> | Incledon
    661286 | 104203 | <i>Go patter to Lubbers</i> | Incledon
    661287 | 104203 | with thy happiest flight</i> | Incledon
    661288 | 104203 | and true he say</i> | Mrs Mountain
    661289 | 104203 | <i>A Sailor's life's a life of woe</i> | Mrs Arnold
    661290 | 104203 | <i>Sure an't the World a Masquerade</i> | Johnstone, Chorus.



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