01 September 1666

Event Information
Theatre: Moorfields, London
Theatrical Season: 1665-1666
Volume: 1
Comments: Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen and my wife and Mercer and I to Polichinelly, but were there horribly frighted to see Young Killigrew come in with a great many more young sparks; but we hid ourselves, so as we think they did not see us. By and by they went away, and then we were at rest again; and so, the play being done

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p ?moorflds Puppetry. *c ?moorflds <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: $Sir W. Pen= and my wife and $Mercer= and I to <i>Polichinelly</i>, but were there horribly frighted to see $Young Killigrew= come in with a great many more young sparks; but we hid ourselves, so as we think they did not see us. By and by they went away, and then we were at rest again; and so, the play being done.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1666 09 01 moorflds Puppetry.*c1666 09 01 moorflds <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: $Sir W. Pen= and my wife and $Mercer= and I to <i>Polichinelly</i>, but were there horribly frighted to see $Young Killigrew= come in with a great many more young sparks; but we hid ourselves, so as we think they did not see us. By and by they went away, and then we were at rest again; and so, the play being done.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 466 | 16660901 | moorflds | <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: $Sir W. Pen= and my wife and $Mercer= and I to <i>Polichinelly</i>, but were there horribly frighted to see $Young Killigrew= come in with a great many more young sparks; but we hid ourselves, so as we think they did not see us. By and by they went away, and then we were at rest again; and so, the play being done
    Performance: 466 | 466 | p | Puppetry


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