20 November 1775

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1775-1776
Volume: 4
Comments: Tomorrow, A New Comic Opera, never perform'd, call'd The Duenna, or The Double Elopement, with New Dances, Dresses, and Scenery

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pcg The Grecian Daughter. As 25 Oct., but Erixene-_. *aMidas. As 13 Nov. *cTomorrow, A New Comic Opera, never perform'd, call'd <i>The Duenna, or The Double Elopement</i>, with New Dances, Dresses, and Scenery.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1775 11 20 cg The Grecian Daughter. ^As17751025^, but Erixene-_.*a1775 11 20 cg Midas. ^As17751113^.*c1775 11 20 cg Tomorrow, A New Comic Opera, never perform'd, call'd <i>The Duenna, or The Double Elopement</i>, with New Dances, Dresses, and Scenery.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 38405 | 17751120 | cg | Tomorrow, A New Comic Opera, never perform'd, call'd <i>The Duenna, or The Double Elopement</i>, with New Dances, Dresses, and Scenery
    Performance: 80449 | 38405 | p | The Grecian Daughter | As17751025, but Erixene-_.
    AsSeeDate: 80449 | cg | p | As | 17751025
    512372 | 80449 | Evander | Barry
    512373 | 80449 | Philotas | Lewis, first time
    512374 | 80449 | Arcas | Fearon
    512375 | 80449 | Herald | L'Estrange
    512376 | 80449 | Dionysius | Clinch
    512377 | 80449 | Melanthon | Hull
    512378 | 80449 | Officer | Booth
    512379 | 80449 | Calippus | Young
    512380 | 80449 | Phocion | Wroughton
    512381 | 80449 | Erixene | Miss Ambrose
    512382 | 80449 | Euphrasia | Mrs Barry.
    Performance: 80450 | 38405 | a | Midas | As17751113.
    AsSeeDate: 80450 | cg | a | As | 17751113
    512383 | 80450 | Midas | Wilson
    512384 | 80450 | Apollo | Mattocks
    512385 | 80450 | Pan | Mahon
    512386 | 80450 | Jupiter | Fox
    512387 | 80450 | Damaetas | Wewitzer
    512388 | 80450 | Sileno | Baker
    512389 | 80450 | Juno | Mrs Poussin
    512390 | 80450 | Daphne | Mrs Jackson
    512391 | 80450 | Mysis | Mrs Green
    512392 | 80450 | Nysa | Mrs Mattocks.


As17751025, but Erixene-_.


Title: Midas

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