07 March 1775

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1774-1775
Volume: 4
Comments: Paid Mr Millidge, printer, for songs in Country Girl 18s. Receipts: #243 18s. (Treasurer's Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p7 dl Zara. As 13 Oct. 1774, but Osman-Smith[, first time%. *aThe Rival Candidates. As 2 Feb., but Spy-Baddeley [for $Weston=%; <i>Epilogue</i>-_. *cPaid $Mr Millidge=, printer, for songs in <i>Country Girl</i> 18s. Receipts: #243 18s. (Treasurer's Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1775 03 07 dl Zara. ^As17741013^, but Osman-Smith, first time.*a1775 03 07 dl The Rival Candidates. ^As17750202^, but Spy-Baddeley for $Weston=; <i>Epilogue</i>-_.*c1775 03 07 dl Paid $Mr Millidge=, printer, for songs in <i>Country Girl</i> 18s. Receipts: #243 18s. (Treasurer's Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 38078 | 17750307 | dl | Paid $Mr Millidge=, printer, for songs in <i>Country Girl</i> 18s. Receipts: #243 18s. (Treasurer's Book)
    Performance: 79564 | 38078 | p | Zara | As17741013, but Osman-Smith, first time.
    AsSeeDate: 79564 | dl | p | As | 17741013
    135896 | 79564 | Osman | Smith, first time.
    508669 | 79564 | Lusignan | Garrick
    508670 | 79564 | Nerestan | Brereton, first time
    508671 | 79564 | Orasmin | Hurst
    508672 | 79564 | Chatillon | J. Aickin
    508673 | 79564 | Melidor | Wheeler
    508674 | 79564 | Selima | Miss Sherry
    508675 | 79564 | Zara | Miss Younge.
    Performance: 79565 | 38078 | a | The Rival Candidates | As17750202, but Spy-Baddeley for $Weston=; <i>Epilogue</i>-_.
    AsSeeDate: 79565 | dl | a | As | 17750202
    135897 | 79565 | Spy | Baddeley for $Weston=
    508676 | 79565 | Byron | Vernon
    508677 | 79565 | Sir Harry Muff | Dodd
    508678 | 79565 | Worry | Parsons
    508679 | 79565 | First Gardener | Bannister
    508680 | 79565 | Gardeners | Kear, Fawcett
    508681 | 79565 | Jenny | Mrs Wrighten
    508682 | 79565 | Narcissa | Mrs Baddeley


Title: Zara
As17741013, but Osman-Smith, first time.


As17750202, but Spy-Baddeley for Weston; Epilogue-_.

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