24 February 1774

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1773-1774
Volume: 4
Comments: Paid Colman the balance of his 3 nights for the Man of Business #230 7s. 6d. Receipts: #213 4s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pcg King Henry II. As 27 Jan., but Principal characters-_Owenson, <i>Gardner. *aThe Sylphs. As 14 Feb., but Other characters-_Davis, +Cushing (playbill)[; but not so in +Public Advertiser</i>%. *cPaid $Colman= the balance of his 3 nights for the <i>Man of Business</i> #230 7s. 6d. Receipts: #213 4s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1774 02 24 cg King Henry II. ^As17740127^, but Principal characters-_Owenson, <i>Gardner.*a1774 02 24 cg The Sylphs. ^As17740214^, but Other characters-_Davis, <i>Cushing (playbill); but not so in +Public Advertiser</i>.*c1774 02 24 cg Paid $Colman= the balance of his 3 nights for the <i>Man of Business</i> #230 7s. 6d. Receipts: #213 4s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 37496 | 17740224 | cg | Paid $Colman= the balance of his 3 nights for the <i>Man of Business</i> #230 7s. 6d. Receipts: #213 4s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 78121 | 37496 | p | King Henry Ii | As17740127, but Principal characters-_Owenson, <i>Gardner.
    AsSeeDate: 78121 | cg | p | As | 17740127
    133319 | 78121 | Principal characters | _Owenson, <i>Gardner.
    Performance: 78122 | 37496 | a | The Sylphs | As17740214, but Other characters-_Davis, <i>Cushing (playbill); but not so in +Public Advertiser</i>. but not so in +Public Advertiser</i>.
    AsSeeDate: 78122 | cg | a | As | 17740214
    133320 | 78122 | Other characters | _Davis, <i>Cushing
    500738 | 78122 | Dances | Master <i>Blurton.
    500739 | 78122 | Harlequin | Lewes
    500740 | 78122 | Principal Sylph | Miss Brown
    500741 | 78122 | Colombine | Miss Twist
    500742 | 78122 | The <i>Dances</i> | Fishar, Miss Valois, Miss Capon
    500743 | 78122 | To Conclude with a Capital Scene | never exhibited by $Servandoni=.


As17740127, but Principal characters-_Owenson, Gardner.


As17740214, but Other characters-_Davis, Cushing (playbill); but not so in +Public Advertiser. but not so in +Public Advertiser

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