04 April 1707

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1706-1707
Volume: 2
Comments: Benefit Signiora Margaretta Gallia. At 7 p.m. Tickets 5s

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pHdyb Concert. *mHdyb Vocal and Instrumental Music-; [with several% new Songs and Sonatas [never yet perform'd by $Signior Joseph Saggioni=%-the best Masters; the Vocal part [both% in English and Italian-Signiora Maria Margaretta Gallia. *cHdyb Benefit $Signiora Margaretta Gallia=. At 7 p.m. Tickets 5s.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1707 04 04 yb Concert.*m1707 04 04 yb Vocal and Instrumental Music-; with several new Songs and Sonatas never yet perform'd by $Signior Joseph Saggioni=-the best Masters; the Vocal part both in English and Italian-Signiora Maria Margaretta Gallia.*c1707 04 04 yb Benefit $Signiora Margaretta Gallia=. At 7 p.m. Tickets 5s.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 3705 | 17070404 | yb | Benefit $Signiora Margaretta Gallia=. At 7 p.m. Tickets 5s
    Performance: 5289 | 3705 | p | Concert
    Performance: 5290 | 3705 | m | Vocal and Instrumental Music-; with several new Songs and Sonatas never yet perform'd by $Signior Joseph Saggioni=-the best Masters; the Vocal part both in English and Italian-Signiora Maria Margaretta Gallia


Title: Concert
None Listed


Comment: Vocal and Instrumental Music-; with several new Songs and Sonatas never yet perform'd by Signior Joseph Saggioni-the best Masters; the Vocal part both in English and Italian-Signiora Maria Margaretta Gallia

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