06 August 1663

Event Information
Theatre: no theater listed
Theatrical Season: 1662-1663
Volume: 1
Comments: Pepys, Diary: Though nine o'clock at night, carried them [Mary Joyce, Anthony Joyce and Kate Joyce] into a puppet play in Lincolnes Inn Fields, where there was the story of Holofernes, and other clockwork, well done

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?none Puppet Plays. *c?none <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: Though nine o'clock at night, carried them [$Mary Joyce=, $Anthony Joyce= and $Kate Joyce=] into a puppet play in <i>Lincolnes Inn Fields</i>, where there was the story of <i>Holofernes</i>, and other clockwork, well done.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1663 08 06 none Puppet Plays.*c1663 08 06 none <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: Though nine o'clock at night, carried them [$Mary Joyce=, $Anthony Joyce= and $Kate Joyce=] into a puppet play in <i>Lincolnes Inn Fields</i>, where there was the story of <i>Holofernes</i>, and other clockwork, well done.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 354 | 16630806 | none | <i>Pepys, Diary</i>: Though nine o'clock at night, carried them [$Mary Joyce=, $Anthony Joyce= and $Kate Joyce=] into a puppet play in <i>Lincolnes Inn Fields</i>, where there was the story of <i>Holofernes</i>, and other clockwork, well done
    Performance: 354 | 354 | p | Puppet Plays


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