01 January 1767

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1766-1767
Volume: 4
Comments: By Command of their Majesties. Paid Pointer's 2 Bills #16 14s. (Treasurer's Book). [This year were published The Theatrical Campaign (44 pp.), an examen of productions this season; The Stage the High Road to Hell (43 pp.); Theatrical Entertainments Consistent with Society, Morality and Religion: or, A Letter to the Author of the "Stage the High Road to Hell," shewing that writer's arguments to be fallacious, his principals enthusiastic, and his authorities (particularly from the ancients) misconstrued and perverted.] Receipts: #176 4s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?dl The Country Girl. As 3 Nov. 1766. *a?dl Queen Mab. As 29 Oct. 1766. *m?dl II: A <i>Concerto on the Harpsichord</i>-Mr Burney Jr. *c?dl By Command of $their Majesties=. Paid Pointer's 2 Bills #16 14s. (Treasurer's Book). [This year were published <i>The Theatrical Campaign</i> (44 pp.), an examen of productions this season; <i>The Stage the High Road to Hell</i> (43 pp.); <i>Theatrical Entertainments Consistent with Society, Morality and Religion</i>: or, A Letter to the Author of the "Stage the High Road to Hell," shewing that writer's arguments to be fallacious, his principals enthusiastic, and his authorities (particularly from the ancients) misconstrued and perverted.] Receipts: #176 4s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1767 01 01 dl The Country Girl. ^As17661103^.*a1767 01 01 dl Queen Mab. ^As17661029^.*m1767 01 01 dl II: A <i>Concerto on the Harpsichord</i>-Mr Burney Jr.*c1767 01 01 dl By Command of $their Majesties=. Paid Pointer's 2 Bills #16 14s. (Treasurer's Book). [This year were published <i>The Theatrical Campaign</i> (44 pp.), an examen of productions this season; <i>The Stage the High Road to Hell</i> (43 pp.); <i>Theatrical Entertainments Consistent with Society, Morality and Religion</i>: or, A Letter to the Author of the "Stage the High Road to Hell," shewing that writer's arguments to be fallacious, his principals enthusiastic, and his authorities (particularly from the ancients) misconstrued and perverted.] Receipts: #176 4s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 33439 | 17670101 | dl | By Command of $their Majesties=. Paid Pointer's 2 Bills #16 14s. (Treasurer's Book). [This year were published <i>The Theatrical Campaign</i> (44 pp.), an examen of productions this season; <i>The Stage the High Road to Hell</i> (43 pp.); <i>Theatrical Entertainments Consistent with Society, Morality and Religion</i>: or, A Letter to the Author of the "Stage the High Road to Hell," shewing that writer's arguments to be fallacious, his principals enthusiastic, and his authorities (particularly from the ancients) misconstrued and perverted.] Receipts: #176 4s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)
    Performance: 68607 | 33439 | p | The Country Girl | As17661103.
    AsSeeDate: 68607 | dl | p | As | 17661103
    451922 | 68607 | will be introduc'd a New Song | .
    451923 | 68607 | Parts | Holland, Palmer, Dodd, Cautherly, Strange, Mas. Burton, Mrs Palmer, Miss Pope, Miss Reynolds, 1st time
    451924 | 68607 | Moody | Holland
    451925 | 68607 | Harcourt | Palmer
    451926 | 68607 | Sparkish | Dodd
    451927 | 68607 | Belville | Cautherley
    451928 | 68607 | Alithea | Mrs Palmer
    451929 | 68607 | Lucy | Miss Pope
    451930 | 68607 | Footman | Strange
    451931 | 68607 | Country Boy | Master Burton
    Performance: 68608 | 33439 | a | Queen Mab | As17661029.
    AsSeeDate: 68608 | dl | a | As | 17661029
    451932 | 68608 | Harlequin | Rooker
    451933 | 68608 | Pantaloon | Grimaldi
    451934 | 68608 | Silvio | Baddeley
    451935 | 68608 | Clod | Ackman
    451936 | 68608 | Watchman | Moody
    451937 | 68608 | Fairy | Miss Rogers
    451938 | 68608 | Maigre | Keen
    451939 | 68608 | Puck | Mas. Cape
    451940 | 68608 | Cook | Johnston
    451941 | 68608 | Maid | Mrs Bradshaw
    451942 | 68608 | Queen | Miss Ford
    451943 | 68608 | Colombine | Mrs King.
    Performance: 68609 | 33439 | m | II: A <i>Concerto on the Harpsichord</i>-Mr Burney Jr






Comment: II: A Concerto on the Harpsichord-Mr Burney Jr

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