17 December 1762

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1762-1763
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for The General Lying In Hospital, By Particular Desire of the Foreign Ambassadors and others of the Nobility. Part of Pit will be laid into Boxes, where Servants will be allowed to keep places

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl Zara. As 27 Nov., but Melidor-Fox. *a??dl The Musical Lady. As 15 Dec. *d??dl <i>CComic Dance</i>, as 10 Dec. *c??dl Benefit for <i>The General Lying In Hospital</i>, By Particular Desire of the Foreign Ambassadors and others of the Nobility. Part of Pit will be laid into Boxes, where Servants will be allowed to keep places.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1762 12 17 dl Zara. ^As17621127^, but Melidor-Fox.*a1762 12 17 dl The Musical Lady. ^As17621215^.*d1762 12 17 dl <i>CComic Dance</i>, ^as17621210^.*c1762 12 17 dl Benefit for <i>The General Lying In Hospital</i>, By Particular Desire of the Foreign Ambassadors and others of the Nobility. Part of Pit will be laid into Boxes, where Servants will be allowed to keep places.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 31486 | 17621217 | dl | Benefit for <i>The General Lying In Hospital</i>, By Particular Desire of the Foreign Ambassadors and others of the Nobility. Part of Pit will be laid into Boxes, where Servants will be allowed to keep places
    Performance: 64000 | 31486 | p | Zara | As17621127, but Melidor-Fox.
    AsSeeDate: 64000 | dl | p | As | 17621127
    106512 | 64000 | Melidor | Fox.
    428644 | 64000 | Lusignan | Garrick
    428645 | 64000 | Osman | Holland
    428646 | 64000 | Zara | Mrs Cibber
    428647 | 64000 | Nerestan | Packer
    428648 | 64000 | Selima | Mrs Davies
    428649 | 64000 | Chatilion | Blakes
    428650 | 64000 | Orasmin | Burton
    Performance: 64001 | 31486 | a | The Musical Lady | As17621215.
    AsSeeDate: 64001 | dl | a | As | 17621215
    428651 | 64001 | Old Mask | Burton.
    428652 | 64001 | Freeman | Packer
    428653 | 64001 | Lady Scrape | Mrs Bennet
    428654 | 64001 | Laundress | Mrs Bradshaw.
    428655 | 64001 | only Old Mask | Yates
    428656 | 64001 | Mask | King
    428657 | 64001 | Sophy | Miss Pope
    428658 | 64001 | Vocals | Champnes, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young listed.
    428659 | 64001 | Vocal parts | Champnes, Mrs Vincent, Miss Young.
    428660 | 64001 | Young Mask | King
    428661 | 64001 | Servant | Watkins
    428662 | 64001 | Rosin | Fox
    428663 | 64001 | To conclude with a <i>Country Dance</i> | .
    Performance: 64002 | 31486 | d | <i>CComic Dance</i>, as17621210
    AsSeeDate: 64002 | dl | d | As | 17621210


Title: Zara
As17621127, but Melidor-Fox.




Comment: CComic Dance, as17621210

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