26 June 1761

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1760-1761
Volume: 4
Comments: The Sixth Night. N.B. The public may be assurred for the future that the performances will be on the days advertised (Public Advertiser)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl All in the Wrong. As 15 June. *a??dl The Minor. Shift, Smirk, Mrs Cole-Foote. [See 21 July 1761.] *d??dl As 19 June. *c??dl The Sixth Night. N.B. The public may be assurred for the future that the performances will be on the days advertised (<i>Public Advertiser</i>).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1761 06 26 dl All in the Wrong. ^As17610615^.*a1761 06 26 dl The Minor. Shift, Smirk, Mrs Cole-Foote. [^See17610721^.]*d1761 06 26 dl ^As17610619^.*c1761 06 26 dl The Sixth Night. N.B. The public may be assurred for the future that the performances will be on the days advertised (<i>Public Advertiser</i>).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30714 | 17610626 | dl | The Sixth Night. N.B. The public may be assurred for the future that the performances will be on the days advertised (<i>Public Advertiser</i>)
    Performance: 62270 | 30714 | p | All In The Wrong | As17610615.
    AsSeeDate: 62270 | dl | p | As | 17610615
    420605 | 62270 | Sir John Restless | Yates
    420606 | 62270 | Beverly | O'Brien
    420607 | 62270 | Brush | Weston
    420608 | 62270 | Belinda | Mrs Yates
    420609 | 62270 | Lady Restless | Miss Haughton
    420610 | 62270 | Parts | Gentleman, Marr, Mrs Johnston, Miss Cockayne, Baddeley, Davis, Miss Ambrose, Miss E. Ambrose.
    Performance: 62271 | 30714 | a | The Minor | Shift, Smirk, Mrs Cole-Foote. [See17610721.]See17610721.]
    103258 | 62271 | Mrs Cole | Foote.
    Performance: 62272 | 30714 | d | As17610619
    AsSeeDate: 62272 | dl | d | As | 17610619




Shift, Smirk, Mrs Cole-Foote. [See17610721.]See17610721.]


Comment: As17610619

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