14 May 1761

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1760-1761
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Evans and Green, (box keepers). Receipts: #22 10s. plus income from tickets: Evans #102 9s. (Box 278; Pit 151; Gallery 103); Green #90 14s. (Box 259; Pit 147; Gallery 39). Paid to Evans and Green #10 each for attendance at the Boxes this season (Account Book). Charges: #70 (Account Book)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Miser. As 20 Oct. 1760, but Clerimont-Hull. *a??cg Lethe. As 17 April, but Fine Gentleman-Dyer. *d??cg Last <i>New Comic Dance</i>-Maranesi, Mlle Capdeville. *c??cg Benefit for $Evans= and $Green=, (box keepers). Receipts: #22 10s. plus income from tickets: Evans #102 9s. (Box 278; Pit 151; Gallery 103); Green #90 14s. (Box 259; Pit 147; Gallery 39). Paid to Evans and Green #10 each for attendance at the Boxes this season (Account Book). Charges: #70 (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1761 05 14 cg The Miser. ^As17601020^, but Clerimont-Hull.*a1761 05 14 cg Lethe. ^As17610417^ but Fine Gentleman-Dyer.*d1761 05 14 cg Last <i>New Comic Dance</i>-Maranesi, Mlle Capdeville.*c1761 05 14 cg Benefit for $Evans= and $Green=, (box keepers). Receipts: #22 10s. plus income from tickets: Evans #102 9s. (Box 278; Pit 151; Gallery 103); Green #90 14s. (Box 259; Pit 147; Gallery 39). Paid to Evans and Green #10 each for attendance at the Boxes this season (Account Book). Charges: #70 (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30671 | 17610514 | cg | Benefit for $Evans= and $Green=, (box keepers). Receipts: #22 10s. plus income from tickets: Evans #102 9s. (Box 278; Pit 151; Gallery 103); Green #90 14s. (Box 259; Pit 147; Gallery 39). Paid to Evans and Green #10 each for attendance at the Boxes this season (Account Book). Charges: #70 (Account Book)
    Performance: 62179 | 30671 | p | The Miser | As17601020, but Clerimont-Hull.
    AsSeeDate: 62179 | cg | p | As | 17601020
    103175 | 62179 | Clerimont | Hull.
    420062 | 62179 | Miser | Shuter
    420063 | 62179 | Frederick | Clarke
    420064 | 62179 | James | Collins
    420065 | 62179 | Decoy | Marten
    420066 | 62179 | Ramilie | Dyer
    420067 | 62179 | Lappet | Mrs Green
    420068 | 62179 | Mrs Wisely | Mrs Copin
    420069 | 62179 | Wheedle | Mrs Ferguson
    420070 | 62179 | Harriet | Mrs Vincent
    420071 | 62179 | Mariana | Mrs Hamilton.
    Performance: 62180 | 30671 | a | Lethe | As17610417 but Fine Gentleman-Dyer.
    AsSeeDate: 62180 | cg | a | As | 17610417
    103176 | 62180 | Fine Gentleman | Dyer.
    420072 | 62180 | Fine Lady | Mrs Green
    420073 | 62180 | Lord Chalkstone | Shuter
    420074 | 62180 | Frenchman | Holtom
    420075 | 62180 | Drunken man | Dunstall.
    420076 | 62180 | Drunken Man | Dunstall
    Performance: 62181 | 30671 | d | Last <i>New Comic Dance</i>-Maranesi, Mlle Capdeville


As17601020, but Clerimont-Hull.


Title: Lethe
As17610417 but Fine Gentleman-Dyer.


Comment: Last New Comic Dance-Maranesi, Mlle Capdeville

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