19 September 1760

Event Information
Theatre: Southwark Fair
Theatrical Season: 1760-1761
Volume: 4
Comments: [The following puff appeared in the Public Advertiser: "Yesterday about twelve the Races began on the Bowling Green, Southwark. There were several started for the Plate called Public Approbation, amongst the Rest was a celebrated Theatrical Horse, and two or Three Racers belonging to the same Stable, and some young Colts and Fillies, lately bred in the Stud of an eminent Sportsman in the Haymarket. The dispute laid principally between the noted Don Quixote and the Little Female Minor. The contest was warm, and several Heats were ran [a number of performances during the day?] before it could be decided; which at length was given by a small Majority of the Subscribers and the Clerk of the Course, in favor of the latter. However, her Antagonists being Bloed, they have challenged her to run again, play or pay, for three Days sucessively; and she will start This Day, tomorrow and Monday next, exactly at Twelve. Bets are laid, the Little Minor against the Field; and Eight to Six that in the end she distances the famous Old Horse, and beats him absolutely hollow."

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??sf The Female Minor. As 18 Sept. *c??sf [TThe following puff appeared in the <i>Public Advertiser</i>: "Yesterday about twelve the Races began on the <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>. There were several started for the Plate called Public Approbation, amongst the Rest was a celebrated Theatrical Horse, and two or Three Racers belonging to the same Stable, and some young Colts and Fillies, lately bred in the Stud of an eminent Sportsman in the <i>Haymarket</i>. The dispute laid principally between the noted <i>Don Quixote</i> and the Little <i>Female Minor</i>. The contest was warm, and several Heats were ran [a number of performances during the day?] before it could be decided; which at length was given by a small Majority of the Subscribers and the Clerk of the Course, in favor of the latter. However, her Antagonists being Bloed, they have challenged her to run again, play or pay, for three Days sucessively; and she will start This Day, tomorrow and Monday next, exactly at Twelve. Bets are laid, the <i>Little Minor</i> against the Field; and Eight to Six that in the end she distances the famous Old Horse, and beats him absolutely hollow."]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1760 09 19 sf The Female Minor. ^As17600918^.*c1760 09 19 sf [The following puff appeared in the <i>Public Advertiser</i>: "Yesterday about twelve the Races began on the <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>. There were several started for the Plate called Public Approbation, amongst the Rest was a celebrated Theatrical Horse, and two or Three Racers belonging to the same Stable, and some young Colts and Fillies, lately bred in the Stud of an eminent Sportsman in the <i>Haymarket</i>. The dispute laid principally between the noted <i>Don Quixote</i> and the Little <i>Female Minor</i>. The contest was warm, and several Heats were ran [a number of performances during the day?] before it could be decided; which at length was given by a small Majority of the Subscribers and the Clerk of the Course, in favor of the latter. However, her Antagonists being Bloed, they have challenged her to run again, play or pay, for three Days sucessively; and she will start This Day, tomorrow and Monday next, exactly at Twelve. Bets are laid, the <i>Little Minor</i> against the Field; and Eight to Six that in the end she distances the famous Old Horse, and beats him absolutely hollow."]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30278 | 17600919 | sf | [The following puff appeared in the <i>Public Advertiser</i>: "Yesterday about twelve the Races began on the <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>. There were several started for the Plate called Public Approbation, amongst the Rest was a celebrated Theatrical Horse, and two or Three Racers belonging to the same Stable, and some young Colts and Fillies, lately bred in the Stud of an eminent Sportsman in the <i>Haymarket</i>. The dispute laid principally between the noted <i>Don Quixote</i> and the Little <i>Female Minor</i>. The contest was warm, and several Heats were ran [a number of performances during the day?] before it could be decided; which at length was given by a small Majority of the Subscribers and the Clerk of the Course, in favor of the latter. However, her Antagonists being Bloed, they have challenged her to run again, play or pay, for three Days sucessively; and she will start This Day, tomorrow and Monday next, exactly at Twelve. Bets are laid, the <i>Little Minor</i> against the Field; and Eight to Six that in the end she distances the famous Old Horse, and beats him absolutely hollow."
    Performance: 61295 | 30278 | p | The Female Minor | As17600918.
    AsSeeDate: 61295 | sf | p | As | 17600918
    415775 | 61295 | it will be garnished with singing and dancing
    415776 | 61295 | With a <i>Hornpipe</i> | a British Genius
    415777 | 61295 | And a Monody | to be spoken on the death of that brave and much lamented Hero.".

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