28 March 1760

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1759-1760
Volume: 4
Comments: Being the last time of performing it this season. Charges #35. I slept in at the Oratorio & met Schutz in the Gallery (Hailey, Brietzcke Diary, Vol. 197, p. 210)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Messiah. As 26 March. *m??cg As 29 Feb. *c??cg Being the last time of performing it this season. Charges #35. I slept in at the Oratorio & met $Schutz= in the Gallery ($Hailey=, <i>Brietzcke Diary</i>, Vol. 197, p. 210).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1760 03 28 cg The Messiah. ^As17600326^.*m1760 03 28 cg ^As17600229^.*c1760 03 28 cg Being the last time of performing it this season. Charges #35. I slept in at the Oratorio & met $Schutz= in the Gallery ($Hailey=, <i>Brietzcke Diary</i>, Vol. 197, p. 210).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 30051 | 17600328 | cg | Being the last time of performing it this season. Charges #35. I slept in at the Oratorio & met $Schutz= in the Gallery ($Hailey=, <i>Brietzcke Diary</i>, Vol. 197, p. 210)
    Performance: 60879 | 30051 | p | The Messiah | As17600326.
    AsSeeDate: 60879 | cg | p | As | 17600326
    Performance: 60880 | 30051 | m | As17600229
    AsSeeDate: 60880 | cg | m | As | 17600229


None Listed


Comment: As17600229

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