31 January 1759

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1758-1759
Volume: 4
Comments: With New Decorations, New Dances, and all the Characters dressed suitable to the subject. The subscription Tickets will not be admitted. Gallery, Pit and Boxes to be open'd at five o'Clock. To begin at half an hour after six precisely

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?king's Il Trionfo Della Gloria. *c?king's With New Decorations, New Dances, and all the Characters dressed suitable to the subject. The subscription Tickets will not be admitted. Gallery, Pit and Boxes to be open'd at five o'Clock. To begin at half an hour after six precisely.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1759 01 31 king's Il Trionfo Della Gloria.*c1759 01 31 king's With New Decorations, New Dances, and all the Characters dressed suitable to the subject. The subscription Tickets will not be admitted. Gallery, Pit and Boxes to be open'd at five o'Clock. To begin at half an hour after six precisely.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29371 | 17590131 | king's | With New Decorations, New Dances, and all the Characters dressed suitable to the subject. The subscription Tickets will not be admitted. Gallery, Pit and Boxes to be open'd at five o'Clock. To begin at half an hour after six precisely
    Performance: 59523 | 29371 | p | Il Trionfo Della Gloria


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