29 April 1758

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: Tickets for 8. For Miss Barton, Mrs Bradshaw, Mozeen, Miss Minors, Mrs Miller. Tickets deliver'd by Rainton, for The Inconstant, and those that could not be admitted on Thursday last to The Conscious Lovers will be taken. Receipts: #180 (Cross)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl Measure for Measure. As 31 Oct. 1757, but Lucio-Woodward; Clown-Yates. *a??dl The Lying Valet. As 13 Sept. 1757, but Kitty Pry-Miss Barton. *c??dl Tickets for 8. For $Miss Barton=, $Mrs Bradshaw=, $Mozeen=, $Miss Minors=, $Mrs Miller=. Tickets deliver'd by $Rainton=, for <i>The Inconstant</i>, and those that could not be admitted on Thursday last to <i>The Conscious Lovers</i> will be taken. Receipts: #180 ($Cross=).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1758 04 29 dl Measure for Measure. ^As17571031^, but Lucio-Woodward; Clown-Yates.*a1758 04 29 dl The Lying Valet. ^As17570913^, but Kitty Pry-Miss Barton.*c1758 04 29 dl Tickets for 8. For $Miss Barton=, $Mrs Bradshaw=, $Mozeen=, $Miss Minors=, $Mrs Miller=. Tickets deliver'd by $Rainton=, for <i>The Inconstant</i>, and those that could not be admitted on Thursday last to <i>The Conscious Lovers</i> will be taken. Receipts: #180 ($Cross=).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 29028 | 17580429 | dl | Tickets for 8. For $Miss Barton=, $Mrs Bradshaw=, $Mozeen=, $Miss Minors=, $Mrs Miller=. Tickets deliver'd by $Rainton=, for <i>The Inconstant</i>, and those that could not be admitted on Thursday last to <i>The Conscious Lovers</i> will be taken. Receipts: #180 ($Cross=)
    Performance: 58795 | 29028 | p | Measure For Measure | As17571031, but Lucio-Woodward; Clown-Yates.
    AsSeeDate: 58795 | dl | p | As | 17571031
    97636 | 58795 | Lucio | Woodward
    97637 | 58795 | Clown | Yates.
    404066 | 58795 | Isabella | Mrs Cibber
    404067 | 58795 | Escalus | Bransby
    404068 | 58795 | Duke | Mossop
    404069 | 58795 | Claudio | Davies
    404070 | 58795 | Angelo | Havard
    404071 | 58795 | Provost | Blakes
    404072 | 58795 | Mariana | Mrs Bennet.
    Performance: 58796 | 29028 | a | The Lying Valet | As17570913, but Kitty Pry-Miss Barton.
    AsSeeDate: 58796 | dl | a | As | 17570913
    97638 | 58796 | Kitty Pry | Miss Barton.
    404073 | 58796 | Gayless | Jefferson
    404074 | 58796 | Melissa | Mrs Jefferson
    404075 | 58796 | Sharp | Yates.


As17571031, but Lucio-Woodward; Clown-Yates.


As17570913, but Kitty Pry-Miss Barton.

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