03 September 1757

Event Information
Theatre: Bartholomew Fair
Theatrical Season: 1757-1758
Volume: 4
Comments: This day at noon, Mr Yates of Drury Lane and Mr Shuter of Covent Garden Theatres at the new erected Great Concert Hall, the Greyhound Inn, Smithfield, intend to divert the Town during the short time of Bartholomew Fair with variety of Entertainments

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?bf Concert. *c?bf This day at noon, $Mr Yates= of <i>Drury Lane</i> and $Mr Shuter= of <i>Covent Garden</i> Theatres at the new erected <i>Great Concert Hall</i>, the <i>Greyhound Inn</i>, <i>Smithfield</i>, intend to divert the Town during the short time of <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> with variety of Entertainments.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1757 09 03 bf Concert.*c1757 09 03 bf This day at noon, $Mr Yates= of <i>Drury Lane</i> and $Mr Shuter= of <i>Covent Garden</i> Theatres at the new erected <i>Great Concert Hall</i>, the <i>Greyhound Inn</i>, <i>Smithfield</i>, intend to divert the Town during the short time of <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> with variety of Entertainments.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 28599 | 17570903 | bf | This day at noon, $Mr Yates= of <i>Drury Lane</i> and $Mr Shuter= of <i>Covent Garden</i> Theatres at the new erected <i>Great Concert Hall</i>, the <i>Greyhound Inn</i>, <i>Smithfield</i>, intend to divert the Town during the short time of <i>Bartholomew Fair</i> with variety of Entertainments
    Performance: 57827 | 28599 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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