26 May 1757

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1756-1757
Volume: 4
Comments: Last time of performing these pieces this season. Receipts; #140 (Cross)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl The Wonder. As 15 April[, but Masquerade scene omitted%. *a??dl Mercury Harlequin. As 27 Dec. 1756. *d??dl I: A <i>Comic Dance</i>-. *c??dl Last time of performing these pieces this season. Receipts; #140 ($Cross=).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1757 05 26 dl The Wonder. ^As17570415^, but Masquerade scene omitted%.*a1757 05 26 dl Mercury Harlequin. ^As17561227^.*d1757 05 26 dl I: A <i>Comic Dance</i>-.*c1757 05 26 dl Last time of performing these pieces this season. Receipts; #140 ($Cross=).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 28565 | 17570526 | dl | Last time of performing these pieces this season. Receipts; #140 ($Cross=)
    Performance: 57753 | 28565 | p | The Wonder | As17570415, but Masquerade scene omitted%.
    AsSeeDate: 57753 | dl | p | As | 17570415
    399788 | 57753 | <i>Minuet</i> | Miss Macklin
    399789 | 57753 | songs | Beard, Miss Young.
    399790 | 57753 | Masquerade scene including <i>Minuet</i> | Miss Macklin
    399791 | 57753 | Don Pedro | Burton, and the Masquerade scene restored.
    399792 | 57753 | Don Lopez | Philips.
    399793 | 57753 | <i>Masquerade Scene</i> | .
    399794 | 57753 | Don Felix | Garrick, 1st time
    399795 | 57753 | Lissardo | Woodward
    399796 | 57753 | Briton | Palmer
    399797 | 57753 | Violante | Miss Macklin
    399798 | 57753 | Flora | Mrs Clive
    399799 | 57753 | Gibby | Johnston
    399800 | 57753 | Frederick | Usher
    399801 | 57753 | Alguzile | Clough
    399802 | 57753 | Vasquez | W. Vaughan
    399803 | 57753 | Isabella | Mrs Davies
    399804 | 57753 | Inis | Miss Minors.
    Performance: 57754 | 28565 | a | Mercury Harlequin | As17561227.
    AsSeeDate: 57754 | dl | a | As | 17561227
    399805 | 57754 | The Principal Characters | Woodward, Blakes, Beard, Bransby, Ackman, Walker, Atkins, Clough, Miss Barton, Miss Haughton, Mrs Vernon.
    Performance: 57755 | 28565 | d | I: A <i>Comic Dance</i>-


As17570415, but Masquerade scene omitted%.



Comment: I: A Comic Dance-

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