09 December 1756

Event Information
Theatre: Haberdasher's Hall, Maiden Lane
Theatrical Season: 1756-1757
Volume: 4
Comments: At the Haberdashers Hall, Maiden Lane. For the Benefit of the City of London Lying-in Hospital, in Aldersgate St. Tickets Half a Guinea. To begin at 6 p.m. [Postponed from 2 Dec. because of indisposition of Signora Frasi.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??hab Sampson[, an Oratorio%. *c??hab At the <i>Haberdashers Hall</i>, <i>Maiden Lane</i>. For the Benefit of the <i>City of London Lying-in Hospital</i>, in <i>Aldersgate St.</i> Tickets Half a Guinea. To begin at 6 p.m. [Postponed from 2 Dec. because of indisposition of $Signora Frasi=.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1756 12 09 hab Sampson, an Oratorio.*c1756 12 09 hab At the <i>Haberdashers Hall</i>, <i>Maiden Lane</i>. For the Benefit of the <i>City of London Lying-in Hospital</i>, in <i>Aldersgate St.</i> Tickets Half a Guinea. To begin at 6 p.m. [Postponed from 2 Dec. because of indisposition of $Signora Frasi=.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 28257 | 17561209 | hab | At the <i>Haberdashers Hall</i>, <i>Maiden Lane</i>. For the Benefit of the <i>City of London Lying-in Hospital</i>, in <i>Aldersgate St.</i> Tickets Half a Guinea. To begin at 6 p.m. [Postponed from 2 Dec. because of indisposition of $Signora Frasi=.
    Performance: 57072 | 28257 | p | Sampson, An Oratorio


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