13 November 1754

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1754-1755
Volume: 4
Comments: Receipts: #50 (Cross)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl Coriolanus. As 11 Nov., but Titus Lartius-Simson; [In Act II will be introduc'd the Representation of a% Roman Triumph-. *c??dl Receipts: #50 ($Cross=).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1754 11 13 dl Coriolanus. ^As17541111^, but Titus Lartius-Simson; In Act II will be introduc'd the Representation of a Roman Triumph-.*c1754 11 13 dl Receipts: #50 ($Cross=).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 27252 | 17541113 | dl | Receipts: #50 ($Cross=)
    Performance: 54899 | 27252 | p | Coriolanus | As17541111, but Titus Lartius-Simson; In Act II will be introduc'd the Representation of a Roman Triumph-.
    AsSeeDate: 54899 | dl | p | As | 17541111
    90747 | 54899 | Titus Lartius | Simson
    90748 | 54899 | In Act II will be introduc'd the Representation of | .
    387271 | 54899 | Coriolanus | Mossop
    387272 | 54899 | Menenius | Berry
    387273 | 54899 | Tullus Aufidius | Havard
    387274 | 54899 | Cominius | Davies
    387275 | 54899 | Sicinius Velutius | Bransby
    387276 | 54899 | Junius Brutus | Burton
    387277 | 54899 | Roman Citizens | Yates, Blakes, Mozeen, Vaughan, Clough, W. Vaughan
    387278 | 54899 | Senator | Walker
    387279 | 54899 | Edile | Jefferson
    387280 | 54899 | Roman | Ackman
    387281 | 54899 | Lieutenant | Scrase
    387282 | 54899 | Servants to Aufidius | Taswell, Philips, Vernon
    387283 | 54899 | Virgilia | Mrs Davies
    387284 | 54899 | Valeria | Mrs Bennet
    387285 | 54899 | Volumnia | Mrs Pritchard.


As17541111, but Titus Lartius-Simson; In Act II will be introduc'd the Representation of a Roman Triumph-.

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