14 December 1752

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1752-1753
Volume: 4
Comments: A great Noise when they appear'd occasion'd, I believe, by a Paragraph in the Papers, saying, a piece of Machinery, of Fountain will soon come out at Covent Garden--so it was concluded we had stole ye design from Mr Rich--but not true, for they were design'd & made by Mr Johnson Property maker to our House--during ye Storm one Mr Bramstone, being Drunk ran cross the stage twice--fell down, & was taken off, like a dead Hero.--however the Pantomine ended quiet (Cross). Receipts: #120 (Cross). [See note to cg 13 Jan. 1753.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??dl As You Like It. As 25 Nov. *a??dl Harlequin Ranger. As 14 Nov., but [With a% Scene of Fountains- [never perform'd before%. *d??dl I: [Le% <i>Matelot Basque</i>, as 5 Oct. *c??dl A great Noise when they appear'd occasion'd, I believe, by a Paragraph in the Papers, saying, a piece of Machinery, of Fountain will soon come out at <i>Covent Garden</i>--so it was concluded we had stole ye design from $Mr Rich=--but not true, for they were design'd & made by $Mr Johnson= Property maker to our House--during ye Storm one $Mr Bramstone=, being Drunk ran cross the stage twice--fell down, & was taken off, like a dead Hero.--however the Pantomine ended quiet (Cross). Receipts: #120 ($Cross=). [See note to <i>cg</i> 13 Jan. 1753.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1752 12 14 dl As You Like It. ^As17521125^.*a1752 12 14 dl Harlequin Ranger. ^As17521114^, but With a Scene of Fountains- never perform'd before.*d1752 12 14 dl I: Le <i>Matelot Basque</i>, ^as17521005^.*c1752 12 14 dl A great Noise when they appear'd occasion'd, I believe, by a Paragraph in the Papers, saying, a piece of Machinery, of Fountain will soon come out at <i>Covent Garden</i>--so it was concluded we had stole ye design from $Mr Rich=--but not true, for they were design'd & made by $Mr Johnson= Property maker to our House--during ye Storm one $Mr Bramstone=, being Drunk ran cross the stage twice--fell down, & was taken off, like a dead Hero.--however the Pantomine ended quiet (Cross). Receipts: #120 ($Cross=). [See note to <i>cg</i> 13 Jan. 1753.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 26320 | 17521214 | dl | A great Noise when they appear'd occasion'd, I believe, by a Paragraph in the Papers, saying, a piece of Machinery, of Fountain will soon come out at <i>Covent Garden</i>--so it was concluded we had stole ye design from $Mr Rich=--but not true, for they were design'd & made by $Mr Johnson= Property maker to our House--during ye Storm one $Mr Bramstone=, being Drunk ran cross the stage twice--fell down, & was taken off, like a dead Hero.--however the Pantomine ended quiet (Cross). Receipts: #120 ($Cross=). [See note to <i>cg</i> 13 Jan. 1753.
    Performance: 52859 | 26320 | p | As You Like It | As17521125.
    AsSeeDate: 52859 | dl | p | As | 17521125
    379213 | 52859 | Douchstone | Woodward
    379214 | 52859 | Orlando | Palmer
    379215 | 52859 | Jaques | Berry
    379216 | 52859 | Duke Senior | Blakes
    379217 | 52859 | Duke Frederick | Winstone
    379218 | 52859 | Oliver | Burton
    379219 | 52859 | Amiens | Beard
    379220 | 52859 | Adam | Lacey
    379221 | 52859 | Corin | Taswell
    379222 | 52859 | Silvius | Mozeen
    379223 | 52859 | Le Beau | Ackman
    379224 | 52859 | William | Vaughan
    379225 | 52859 | Charles | Wilder
    379226 | 52859 | Audry | Mrs James
    379227 | 52859 | Celia | Mrs Clive
    379228 | 52859 | Phebe | Mrs Bennet
    379229 | 52859 | Rosalind | Mrs Pritchard.
    Performance: 52860 | 26320 | a | Harlequin Ranger | As17521114, but With a Scene of Fountains- never perform'd before.
    AsSeeDate: 52860 | dl | a | As | 17521114
    87384 | 52860 | With a Scene of Fountains | never perform'd before.
    379230 | 52860 | Harlequin | Woodward.
    379231 | 52860 | Other characters | <i>Johnson, Mrs +Simpson.
    379232 | 52860 | New Music
    Performance: 52861 | 26320 | d | I: Le <i>Matelot Basque</i>, as17521005
    AsSeeDate: 52861 | dl | d | As | 17521005




As17521114, but With a Scene of Fountains- never perform'd before.


Comment: I: Le Matelot Basque, as17521005

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