20 September 1752

Event Information
Theatre: Southwark Fair
Theatrical Season: 1752-1753
Volume: 4
Comments: At the Great Tiled Booth, Bowling Green, Southwark

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??sfgt The Rake Reformed. As 19 Sept. *c??sfgt At the <i>Great Tiled Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1752 09 20 sf The Rake Reformed. ^As17520919^.*c1752 09 20 sf At the <i>Great Tiled Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 26172 | 17520920 | sf | At the <i>Great Tiled Booth</i>, <i>Bowling Green</i>, <i>Southwark</i>
    Performance: 52501 | 26172 | p | The Rake Reformed | As17520919.
    AsSeeDate: 52501 | sf | p | As | 17520919
    377829 | 52501 | Slack wire acrobatics | Steward.
    377830 | 52501 | The whole to conclude with several curious perform | the famous Steward on the Slack Wire

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