01 February 1752

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1751-1752
Volume: 4
Comments: TThe Sorcerer, a Pantomime Entertainment, originally performed at the Theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields, is preparing, with alterations, at Covent Garden (The scenes painted by Mr Lambert) and will be performed one day next week. [Another letter appeared in the General Advertiser on innocent entertainment for the lower classes (see 29 Jan. 1752), but severely criticized the existence of Prize fights, Cock-pits, and Gambling houses as the real nuisances and nurseries of theft and disorder."] It is whispered that the Townwill shortly be entertained with a phenomenon of the Monosyllable Fun,--the match between Sir Alexander Drawcansir, Kent. and their Lownesses of Grub Street, being certainly to be decided on the Stage; great bets depending on this Battle, it is thought the Knowing ones will be taken in (General Advertiser)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Othello. As 9 Oct. 1751. *a??cg Mock Doctor. As 28 Sept. 1751. *c??cg <i>TThe Sorcerer</i>, a Pantomime Entertainment, originally performed at the Theatre in <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>, is preparing, with alterations, at <i>Covent Garden</i> (The scenes painted by $Mr Lambert=) and will be performed one day next week. [Another letter appeared in the <i>General Advertiser</i> on innocent entertainment for the lower classes (see 29 Jan. 1752), but severely criticized the existence of Prize fights, Cock-pits, and Gambling houses as the real nuisances and nurseries of theft and disorder."] It is whispered that the Townwill shortly be entertained with a phenomenon of the Monosyllable Fun,--the match between <i>Sir Alexander Drawcansir</i>r, Kent. and their <i>Lownesses of Grub Street</i>r, being certainly to be decided on the Stage; great bets depending on this Battle, it is thought the Knowing ones will be taken in (<i>General Advertiser</i>).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1752 02 01 cg Othello. ^As17511009^.*a1752 02 01 cg Mock Doctor. ^As17510928^.*c1752 02 01 cg <i>TThe Sorcerer</i>, a Pantomime Entertainment, originally performed at the Theatre in <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>, is preparing, with alterations, at <i>Covent Garden</i> (The scenes painted by $Mr Lambert=) and will be performed one day next week. [Another letter appeared in the <i>General Advertiser</i> on innocent entertainment for the lower classes (see 29 Jan. 1752), but severely criticized the existence of Prize fights, Cock-pits, and Gambling houses as the real nuisances and nurseries of theft and disorder."] It is whispered that the Townwill shortly be entertained with a phenomenon of the Monosyllable Fun,--the match between <i>Sir Alexander Drawcansir</i>r, Kent. and their <i>Lownesses of Grub Street</i>r, being certainly to be decided on the Stage; great bets depending on this Battle, it is thought the Knowing ones will be taken in (<i>General Advertiser</i>).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 25968 | 17520201 | cg | <i>TThe Sorcerer</i>, a Pantomime Entertainment, originally performed at the Theatre in <i>Lincoln's Inn Fields</i>, is preparing, with alterations, at <i>Covent Garden</i> (The scenes painted by $Mr Lambert=) and will be performed one day next week. [Another letter appeared in the <i>General Advertiser</i> on innocent entertainment for the lower classes (see 29 Jan. 1752), but severely criticized the existence of Prize fights, Cock-pits, and Gambling houses as the real nuisances and nurseries of theft and disorder."] It is whispered that the Townwill shortly be entertained with a phenomenon of the Monosyllable Fun,--the match between <i>Sir Alexander Drawcansir</i>, Kent. and their <i>Lownesses of Grub Street</i>, being certainly to be decided on the Stage; great bets depending on this Battle, it is thought the Knowing ones will be taken in (<i>General Advertiser</i>)
    Performance: 52057 | 25968 | p | Othello | As17511009.
    AsSeeDate: 52057 | cg | p | As | 17511009
    375961 | 52057 | Othello | Barry
    375962 | 52057 | Iago | Macklin
    375963 | 52057 | Brabantio | Sparks
    375964 | 52057 | Cassio | Ridout
    375965 | 52057 | Roderigo | Dyer
    375966 | 52057 | Lodovico | Anderson
    375967 | 52057 | Gratiano | Redman
    375968 | 52057 | Duke | Marten
    375969 | 52057 | Montano | Bransby
    375970 | 52057 | Emelia | Mrs Macklin
    375971 | 52057 | Desdemona | Mrs Cibber.
    Performance: 52058 | 25968 | a | Mock Doctor | As17510928.
    AsSeeDate: 52058 | cg | a | As | 17510928
    375972 | 52058 | Doctor | Dunstall
    375973 | 52058 | Dorcas | Mrs Vincent.


Title: Othello



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