30 October 1750

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1750-1751
Volume: 4
Comments: The Refusal is-deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of a Principal Performer

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Miser. [As 24 Sept., but% Miser-Macklin[only listed%. *a??cg Perseus and Andromeda. As 29 Oct., but Infernals-<i>Gardiner, +Christian, _Delagarde, _Dupre. *c??cg The +Refusal</i> is-deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of a Principal Performer.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1750 10 30 cg The Miser. ^As17500924^, but Miser-Macklinonly listed.*a1750 10 30 cg Perseus and Andromeda. ^As17501029^, but Infernals-<i>Gardiner, +Christian, _Delagarde, _Dupre.*c1750 10 30 cg The <i>Refusal</i> is-deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of a Principal Performer.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 25394 | 17501030 | cg | The <i>Refusal</i> is-deferr'd on account of the Indisposition of a Principal Performer
    Performance: 50744 | 25394 | p | The Miser | As17500924, but Miser-Macklinonly listed.
    AsSeeDate: 50744 | cg | p | As | 17500924
    83434 | 50744 | Miser | Macklinonly listed.
    367920 | 50744 | Frederick | Gibson
    367921 | 50744 | Clermont | Ridout
    367922 | 50744 | James | Collins
    367923 | 50744 | Decoy | Marten
    367924 | 50744 | Ramilie | Dyer
    367925 | 50744 | Mariana | Mrs Barrington
    367926 | 50744 | Harriet | Mrs Vincent
    367927 | 50744 | Mrs Wisely | Mrs Bambridge
    367928 | 50744 | Wheedle | Miss Haughton
    367929 | 50744 | Lappet | Mrs Macklin.
    Performance: 50745 | 25394 | a | Perseus and Andromeda | As17501029, but Infernals-<i>Gardiner, +Christian, _Delagarde, _Dupre.
    AsSeeDate: 50745 | cg | a | As | 17501029
    83435 | 50745 | Infernals | <i>Gardiner, +Christian, _Delagarde, _Dupre.
    367930 | 50745 | Perseus | Lowe
    367931 | 50745 | Cepheus | Waltz
    367932 | 50745 | Aethiopian | Baker
    367933 | 50745 | Cassiope | Mrs Wright
    367934 | 50745 | Mercury | Vincent
    367935 | 50745 | Andromeda | Miss Falkner
    367936 | 50745 | Amazons | Miss Young, Miss Allen, Miss Ferguson, Miss Hippisley, Miss Morrison
    367937 | 50745 | Cyclops | Roberts, Smith, Holtham, Bennet, Davis
    367938 | 50745 | Harlequin | Miles
    367939 | 50745 | Hussar | Bencraft
    367940 | 50745 | Colombine | Miss Haughton
    367941 | 50745 | Hussar's Servant | Arthur
    367942 | 50745 | Valet de Chambre | Atkins
    367943 | 50745 | Petit Maitre | Lalauze
    367944 | 50745 | Concluding with the Original <i>Grand Dance</i> | .


As17500924, but Miser-Macklinonly listed.


As17501029, but Infernals-Gardiner, +Christian, _Delagarde, _Dupre.

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