15 May 1750

Event Information
Theatre: The Chapel at the Foundling's Hospital, or at the Lock Hospital, Hyde Park Corner
Theatrical Season: 1749-1750
Volume: 4
Comments: A Computation was made of what Number of Persons the chapel...would conveniently hold, and no greater number of Tickets were delivered to hear the Performance there on the First Instant. But so many Persons of Distinction coming unprovided with Tickets and pressing to pay Tickets, caused a greater number to be admitted than were expected. To prevent any disappointments, shall be performed, [again] [Deutsch, Handel, p. 690)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?chapel The Messiah. As 1 May. *c?chapel A Computation was made of what Number of Persons the chapel...would conveniently hold, and no greater number of Tickets were delivered to hear the Performance there on the First Instant. But so many Persons of Distinction coming unprovided with Tickets and pressing to pay Tickets, caused a greater number to be admitted than were expected. To prevent any disappointments, shall be performed, [again] [<i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 690).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1750 05 15 chapel The Messiah. ^As17500501^.*c1750 05 15 chapel A Computation was made of what Number of Persons the chapel...would conveniently hold, and no greater number of Tickets were delivered to hear the Performance there on the First Instant. But so many Persons of Distinction coming unprovided with Tickets and pressing to pay Tickets, caused a greater number to be admitted than were expected. To prevent any disappointments, shall be performed, [again] [<i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 690).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 25300 | 17500515 | chapel | A Computation was made of what Number of Persons the chapel...would conveniently hold, and no greater number of Tickets were delivered to hear the Performance there on the First Instant. But so many Persons of Distinction coming unprovided with Tickets and pressing to pay Tickets, caused a greater number to be admitted than were expected. To prevent any disappointments, shall be performed, [again] [<i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 690)
    Performance: 50565 | 25300 | p | The Messiah | As17500501.
    AsSeeDate: 50565 | chapel | p | As | 17500501


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