29 December 1749

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1749-1750
Volume: 4
Comments: Receipts: #108 4s

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?}cg The Merry Wives of Windsor. As 6 Dec., but Shallow-Collins; Slender-Bennet. *a?}cg Perseus and Andromeda. As 23 Nov. *c?}cg Receipts: #108 4s.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1749 12 29 cg The Merry Wives of Windsor. ^As17491206^, but Shallow-Collins; Slender-Bennet.*a1749 12 29 cg Perseus and Andromeda. ^As17491123^.*c1749 12 29 cg Receipts: #108 4s.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 25050 | 17491229 | cg | Receipts: #108 4s
    Performance: 50023 | 25050 | p | The Merry Wives Of Windsor | As17491206, but Shallow-Collins; Slender-Bennet.
    AsSeeDate: 50023 | cg | p | As | 17491206
    82080 | 50023 | Shallow | Collins
    82081 | 50023 | Slender | Bennet.
    364055 | 50023 | Falstaff | Quin
    364056 | 50023 | Ford | Ryan
    364057 | 50023 | Page | Ridout
    364058 | 50023 | Fenton | Gibson
    364059 | 50023 | Caius | Stoppelaer
    364060 | 50023 | Host | Dunstall
    364061 | 50023 | Bardolph | Marten
    364062 | 50023 | Pistol | Cushing
    364063 | 50023 | Simple | Bencraft
    364064 | 50023 | Sir Hugh | Arthur
    364065 | 50023 | Mrs Page | Mrs Barrington
    364066 | 50023 | Ann Page | Miss Haughton
    364067 | 50023 | Mrs Quickly | Mrs Bambridge
    364068 | 50023 | Robin | Miss Mullart
    364069 | 50023 | Mrs Ford | Mrs Woffington.
    Performance: 50024 | 25050 | a | Perseus and Andromeda | As17491123.
    AsSeeDate: 50024 | cg | a | As | 17491123
    364070 | 50024 | Perseus | Lowe
    364071 | 50024 | Cepheus | Leveridge
    364072 | 50024 | Aethiopian | Baker
    364073 | 50024 | Cassiope | Mrs Wright
    364074 | 50024 | Mercury | Wilder
    364075 | 50024 | Amazons | Miss Young, Miss Allen, Miss Ferguson, Miss Hippisley, Miss Morrison
    364076 | 50024 | Cyclops | Roberts, Smith, Holtham, Bennet, Davis
    364077 | 50024 | Infernals | Waltz, Villeneuve, Desse, Froment, Delagarde, Dupre, Dumont
    364078 | 50024 | Harlequin | Oates
    364079 | 50024 | Hussar | Bencraft
    364080 | 50024 | Hussar's servant | Arthur
    364081 | 50024 | Colombine | Miss Haughton
    364082 | 50024 | Valet de Chambre | Atkins
    364083 | 50024 | Petit Maitre | LaLauze
    364084 | 50024 | Concluding with the <i>Original Grand Dance</i>
    364085 | 50024 | Andromeda | Miss Falkner.


As17491206, but Shallow-Collins; Slender-Bennet.



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