25 May 1702

Event Information
Theatre: Chelsea College
Theatrical Season: 1701-1702
Volume: 2
Comments: In Honour of the Queen's Coronation: The Lady's Consort of Musick. To be plac'd in two several Quiers on each side of the Hall; a Manner never yet perform'd in England. The Hall to be well illuminated. At 5 p.m. and to hold Three full Hours. Tickets 5s. Note, That the moon will shine, the Tide serve, and a Guard placed from the College to St. James's Park, for the safe Return of the Ladies

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pAcc Concert. *mAcc New Musick-Mr Abell, other Voices; [with% Instrumental Musick- [of all Sorts.% *cAcc In Honour of the $Queen='s Coronation: The Lady's Consort of Musick. To be plac'd in two several Quiers on each side of the Hall; a Manner never yet perform'd in <i>England</i>. The Hall to be well illuminated. At 5 p.m. and to hold Three full Hours. Tickets 5s. Note, That the moon will shine, the Tide serve, and a Guard placed from the College to <i>St. James's Park</i>, for the safe Return of the Ladies.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1702 05 25 cc Concert.*m1702 05 25 cc New Musick-Mr Abell, other Voices; with Instrumental Musick- of all Sorts.*c1702 05 25 cc In Honour of the $Queen='s Coronation: The Lady's Consort of Musick. To be plac'd in two several Quiers on each side of the Hall; a Manner never yet perform'd in <i>England</i>. The Hall to be well illuminated. At 5 p.m. and to hold Three full Hours. Tickets 5s. Note, That the moon will shine, the Tide serve, and a Guard placed from the College to <i>St. James's Park</i>, for the safe Return of the Ladies.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2480 | 17020525 | cc | In Honour of the $Queen='s Coronation: The Lady's Consort of Musick. To be plac'd in two several Quiers on each side of the Hall; a Manner never yet perform'd in <i>England</i>. The Hall to be well illuminated. At 5 p.m. and to hold Three full Hours. Tickets 5s. Note, That the moon will shine, the Tide serve, and a Guard placed from the College to <i>St. James's Park</i>, for the safe Return of the Ladies
    Performance: 2538 | 2480 | p | Concert
    Performance: 2539 | 2480 | m | New Musick-Mr Abell, other Voices; with Instrumental Musick- of all Sorts


Title: Concert
None Listed


Comment: New Musick-Mr Abell, other Voices; with Instrumental Musick- of all Sorts

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