26 April 1749

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1748-1749
Volume: 4
Comments: [Both pieces advertised at foot of previous day's bill. But no notice of the performance in this day's paper. Only advertisements for Beaux Stratagem to be played Friday, and Way of the World on Saturday.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?zcg The Constant Couple?. As 19 April. *a?zcg Apollo and Daphne?. As 27 March. *c?zcg [BBoth pieces advertised at foot of previous day's bill. But no notice of the performance in this day's paper. Only advertisements for <i>Beaux Stratagem</i> to be played Friday, and <i>Way of the World</i> on Saturday.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1749 04 26 cg The Constant Couple?. ^As17490419^.*a1749 04 26 cg Apollo and Daphne?. ^As17490327^.*c1749 04 26 cg [Both pieces advertised at foot of previous day's bill. But no notice of the performance in this day's paper. Only advertisements for <i>Beaux Stratagem</i> to be played Friday, and <i>Way of the World</i> on Saturday.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 24755 | 17490426 | cg | [Both pieces advertised at foot of previous day's bill. But no notice of the performance in this day's paper. Only advertisements for <i>Beaux Stratagem</i> to be played Friday, and <i>Way of the World</i> on Saturday.
    Performance: 49392 | 24755 | p | The Constant Couple | . As17490419.
    AsSeeDate: 49392 | cg | p | As | 17490419
    360515 | 49392 | Lady Lurewell | Mrs Ward.
    360516 | 49392 | Young Clincher | Collins
    360517 | 49392 | Dickey | Cushing.
    360518 | 49392 | Sir Harry | Mrs Woffington
    360519 | 49392 | Standard | Delane
    360520 | 49392 | Vizard | Ridout
    360521 | 49392 | Smuggler | Arthur
    360522 | 49392 | Tom | Dunstall
    360523 | 49392 | Constable | Marten
    360524 | 49392 | Beau Clincher | Cibber
    360525 | 49392 | Lady Darling | Mrs Bambridge
    360526 | 49392 | Parley | Mrs Dunstall
    360527 | 49392 | Angelica | Mrs Ridout
    Performance: 49393 | 24755 | a | Apollo and Daphne | . As17490327.
    AsSeeDate: 49393 | cg | a | As | 17490327


. As17490419.


. As17490327.
None Listed

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