23 April 1662

Event Information
Theatre: Theatre in Vere Street
Theatrical Season: 1661-1662
Volume: 1
Comments: The King's Company. See Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 118. This was a new play, but it is not clear that this day was the premiere. BM Add. Mss. 34217, in Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 246: @For the surprizall it was a good proofe@By its getting them mony it took well enough@Without which Divell take the Play@Be it never so good the Actors say@But they may thanke God with all their hart@That Lacy plaid Brankadoros part.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?vere The Surprizal. Brancadoro-Lacy. *c?vere The <i>King's Company</i>. See $Herbert=, <i>Dramatic Records</i>, p. 118. This was a new play, but it is not clear that this day was the premiere. <i>BM Add. Mss. 34217</i>, in $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 246: @For the surprizall it was a good proofe@By its getting them mony it took well enough@Without which Divell take the Play@Be it never so good the Actors say@But they may thanke God with all their hart@That Lacy plaid Brankadoros part.@
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1662 04 23 vere The Surprizal. Brancadoro-Lacy.*c1662 04 23 vere The <i>King's Company</i>. See $Herbert=, <i>Dramatic Records</i>, p. 118. This was a new play, but it is not clear that this day was the premiere. <i>BM Add. Mss. 34217</i>, in $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 246: @For the surprizall it was a good proofe@By its getting them mony it took well enough@Without which Divell take the Play@Be it never so good the Actors say@But they may thanke God with all their hart@That Lacy plaid Brankadoros part.@
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 247 | 16620423 | vere | The <i>King's Company</i>. See $Herbert=, <i>Dramatic Records</i>, p. 118. This was a new play, but it is not clear that this day was the premiere. <i>BM Add. Mss. 34217</i>, in $Hotson=, <i>Commonwealth and Restoration Stage</i>, p. 246: @For the surprizall it was a good proofe@By its getting them mony it took well enough@Without which Divell take the Play@Be it never so good the Actors say@But they may thanke God with all their hart@That Lacy plaid Brankadoros part.
    Performance: 247 | 247 | p | The Surprizal | Brancadoro-Lacy.
    116 | 247 | Brancadoro | Lacy.



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