19 January 1749

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1748-1749
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for the Sisters of the deceased Author. [Same advertisement for tickets that appeared 17 Jan., with the additional statement: "Tickets given out, mark'd for the Benefit of the deceased Author's sisters, 3rd night, will be receiv'd this day."

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?cg Coriolanus. As 14 Jan. *c?cg Benefit for the Sisters of the deceased Author. [Same advertisement for tickets that appeared 17 Jan., with the additional statement: "Tickets given out, mark'd for the Benefit of the deceased Author's sisters, 3rd night, will be receiv'd this day."]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1749 01 19 cg Coriolanus. ^As17490114^.*c1749 01 19 cg Benefit for the Sisters of the deceased Author. [Same advertisement for tickets that appeared 17 Jan., with the additional statement: "Tickets given out, mark'd for the Benefit of the deceased Author's sisters, 3rd night, will be receiv'd this day."]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 24553 | 17490119 | cg | Benefit for the Sisters of the deceased Author. [Same advertisement for tickets that appeared 17 Jan., with the additional statement: "Tickets given out, mark'd for the Benefit of the deceased Author's sisters, 3rd night, will be receiv'd this day."
    Performance: 48958 | 24553 | p | Coriolanus | As17490114.
    AsSeeDate: 48958 | cg | p | As | 17490114
    358833 | 48958 | Principal parts | Quin, Ryan, Delane, Sparks, Ridout, Bridgwater, Anderson, Miss Bellamy, Mrs Woffington.
    358834 | 48958 | Coriolanus | Quin
    358835 | 48958 | Attius Tullus | Ryan
    358836 | 48958 | Galesus | Delane
    358837 | 48958 | Volqsius | Sparks
    358838 | 48958 | Titus | Ridout
    358839 | 48958 | Minucius | Bridgwater
    358840 | 48958 | Cominius | Anderson
    358841 | 48958 | Volumnia | Miss Bellamy
    358842 | 48958 | Veturia | Mrs Woffington



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